Verdaccio [Translation into Italian, +1000 words]


Project details

Project name: Verdaccio

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GitHub link:


Verdaccio is a lightweight private npm proxy registry.

What's a registry?

A repository for packages that implements the CommonJS Compliant Package Registry specification for reading package info
Provide an API compatible with npm clients (yarn/npm/pnpm)
Follow the semantic Versioning compatible (semver)

Contribution Specifications

This is my eighth report regarding the translation of Verdaccio from English to Italian.
In this contribution I processed more than 1200 words, to have around 1000 clear words. I checked also my past translations to correct or improve them.

I'd like to remind my colleagues from other teams to not translate the content following id: in the very first string of each file, as I explained in my previous post.

From the beginning of this rendering some months ago, I chose to keep a quite formal approach. When a source string contains you + verb you can render it in Italian in two ways:

  1. keeping the pronoun, giving to the rendering a casual touch (Tu)
  2. transforming the verb into the infinitive form, deciding for a more formal/technical instruction, that I think is to be preferred in this kind of project.

I just made a few exceptions in files like, because it's a guide directed straight to the user and a couple of other sentences, where it seemed to me more appropriate the use of tu.
Below you can find three examples.

Translation overview

By default all packages are you publish in Verdaccio are accessible for all public, we totally recommend protect your registry from external non authorized users updating <0>access</0> property to <0>$authenticated</0>.

Verdaccio caches all packages by default into the /storage folder. But you can decide whether you want to follow a different strategy. Using of plugins you might use the cloud or any sort of database.

You can specify HTTP/1.1 server keep alive timeout in seconds for incomming connections. A value of 0 makes the http server behave similarly to Node.js versions prior to 8.0.0, which did not have a keep-alive timeout. WORKAROUND: Through given configuration you can workaround following issue Set to 0 in case 60 is not enough.




To check my previous experiences as a translator you can consult my application

Word count

  • 1000

Proof of Authorship

You can lookup Crowdin project on the following link, as well as the summary of my activities.


I'd like to thank @davinci.witness and @utopian-io for this wonderful project I have the pleasure to work in and another big thank to the italian team, especially to the LM @imcesca


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