Fingerprint Authentication [Password Manager]

The Project

This is a follow up to my last post, about the Fingerprint Authentication framework.
This project is the chrome extension, responsible for saving and loading passwords from/to the sites you visit. This gives the framework the Password Manager functionallity, as well as some cool browsing/authentication features.


  • Detects and Stores logins in memory
  • Let's you decide, if you want to save them to your phone, or throw them away
  • Prompts you to fill the credentials, when a site you visit has stored passwords
  • Alert's when a login form is present, and the connection is over plain HTTP
  • You can generate random passwords
  • Allows support for multiple languages
  • Nice, reworked UI

How it works?

The core logic is in the framework itself, this is just an extension, which is built on top of the protocol.

  1. The extension requests to save/get credentials to/from the phone, through the Native App
  2. The Phone App gets the request, prompts the user, decrypts the requested data
  3. The Native App sends back the response and then the Extension handles the rest

What's Inside?

The logic is written in Javascript, the UI is built with FlatUI and I made some Icons for it.
Also there's a custom CSS file for page alerts, because including FlatUI there affects the whole page. The language files are written in separate JSON files, for simplicity under the lang/ folder.
The Extension communicates with the Native App over HTTP, Because it's over localhost, I think plain HTTP is ok, but you can open an issue, if you disagree.

Future of the project

This project has already a lot more in it, than I planned, but there's still work to do:

  • Better login detection
    • Detect logins, when submit button isn't present, for ex. it's an a tag.
  • Block extension from asking to remember credentials for a specific site
  • More languages
  • Extension about page (under the settings page)
  • Fully implement direct background page -> content script communication
  • Packing the extension
  • Firefox, Edge support


I wrote a pretty good list of contributions, this project needs, but of course, any type of contribution is welcome!
For the contribution guide, read the file on the project's github page.
But I put a short version of it here:

  • Security related contributions, to make the app more secure
  • Javascript Devs, optimize, add latest language features
  • Translators, translate to target a larger audience
  • UX/UI, make the extension better looking, and easy to use
  • Testers, make sure it actually works!

To contribute you can:

  1. Fork, make changes, then Create a new pull request
  2. Open an issue and write about your problem/idea


It's a password manager based on the Fingerprint Authentication framework.
It provides, an easy and secure way to login to websites.
Please consider contributing if you can, it would help the project to grow!
There will be one more project, the 2Fa for websites, and then I'm focusing, on optimization/bug fixing, making the UI/UX better.
Thank you for reading this post!

References & Links

Native App
Phone App
Previous Post/Introduction

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