DAILY ACCOUNT BOOK: Record all your daily Transaction

Hello and welcome to my blog once again.
The prayer and happiness of every entrepreneur are to make progress in his/her business and these have to go through the process of managing the business in rightful steps and processes. The more the business is been manage through the right directions the more it keeps on developing in capital and sales.


Many businesses are fond of paperwork that requires the needs of recording day to day sales, purchase and other transactions. These really help in controlling financial recordkeeping but unfortunately, many of the entrepreneurs found it very difficult to appropriately balance transactions at the end of the day due to many reasons such as less knowledge of how to separate transactions when having many customers for the day.
Many might have been selling different product and this makes it difficult for them to record every transaction because of the difficulty of having different books for each product.

Transactions Records Made Easy

Transactions recording now made it easy and all thanks to the invention of Mobile phones and applications. Right there in our ventures, we can use mobile phones to perform many accounting functions. Instead of writing transactions records down on a book, the mobile phone can now perform these tasks easily.

Does it now mean we can use our phones to write down our daily transactions?

Yes, it is very possible that is why I will be introducing a simple application that can perform that task to your satisfaction. Introducing Daily Accounting Book

Today Blog is to introduce Daily Account Book

Daily Account book.jpg

Project Repository: https://github.com/1211amarsingh/Daily-Account-Book

Not long ago, I found this interesting application and the most surprising feature about this application is its simplicity.

All trans, credit, debit.jpg

After downloading this application, I first thought it will be a hard task to understand the application as a first-timer since I have seen a much similar application that at the end-users find it very difficult to understand. But the application seems to be very simple and it provides a clean and easy understanding interface with suitable options. These options include:

  • All transaction
  • Credit
  • Debit

As a first-timer using this application, the home screen was empty which means that no transaction has been recorded yet.
Below is the image of the empty “home-screen” and “Transaction filled home screen”.

Trans filled nd empty.jpg

A  new entyy.jpg

Since the home screen was empty, I decided to put it to test to see how it works, click the “Add customer button”. “The blue button-down at the right side of the home screen” and it pops up the “Add customer” interface.
Below is the screenshot of the ”Add-customer” interface

New Entry.jpg

Then I filled the required information in the space provided, after filling all I click on the “Submit” button and it open a transaction book for me.
Here is the screenshot of the customer I added.
Filled entry.jpg

After this process the next step is to click on the customer’s account I opened to fill in a transaction made.

  • Fill the customer transaction amount
  • Fill in either cash, cheque, card, and others
  • Fill in whether the transaction was a credit or debit
  • Write a summary of the transaction details
  • Click save
    Customer trans amount.jpg


Situations can come up whereby a transaction is been terminated after a short or long period on the exact day. If I have inserted the transaction record already, I can therefore later delete it to avoid confusion at the end of the day.
I will just need to click on the entry an up on the right side of the screen, there is a delete button and the entry will be deleted immediately
Below is the screenshot of the delete entry

Delete a entry.jpg

On the Daily Account Book Interface, there are several interesting features and I will talk about them in my next paragraph.

All transaction.jpg

As I have said earlier that the application consist of simple features, here is one of the features “All Transactions”. It is located on the home page where all created entries for the day are located and viewed. This made it easier to track my records for the day and I can, therefore, decide to have a look at the details of the entry by clicking on the preferred one.
Below is the proof of all actions I can perform the “All Transaction” feature.

All transsaction 2.jpg


This is also another feature that is next to the “All Transaction” which is the “Credit” feature. The “Credit” feature is an interface that consists of all credit transactions I receive on that day. It will make it easy for me to make correct calculations of my income for the day.

All credit 2.jpg

The information consists of the details of the transaction which are: Date, Name, Amount, and Pay Type.


Another interesting feature and it contains all debit records which are the transaction I made myself and outside my venture using my capital.

All debit.jpg

A short video on how to operate Daily Account Book





Having an account book is the first that should be on an entrepreneur's mind to record everyday sales and activity. Since the application has been provided to do this task, the Daily Account Book is a very good application to perform this task even those who are not educated can use the application because of its simplicity.



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