Node.js translation to spanish - 1303 words



Project Details

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Node.js unifies web application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server side and client side scripts.

Contribution Specifications

  • Translation Overview
I continued the work on the file. As I said in my last report, this file correspond to the changelog made for the version 5 of Node.js, A changelog is a file that contains a list in chronological order of important changes made to Node.js (or any other app/project),Expanding this idea, this changelog is in descending order, meaning that I see the newer updates, so I have a better idea of how Node.js handle updates. Many lines are reporting typos, but for this translation I decided to post them in their correct way in spanish . This file describes the technical aspects of the Node.js release process, if the version mentioned is stable and the notable changes. This changelog goes from the Node.js v5.0 to v5.12, each change has a code attached in the beginning of the line for better coordination.
- Languages
This contribution was translated to Spanish using English as the source language. My experience as an engineer and a translator in past crowdin projects have helped me vastly in this translation.
- Word Count

A total of 1303 words were translated from the file.

Some translated examples in this file:

[<0>0ebbf6cd53</0>] - <1>test</1>: remove flaky designation from fixed tests (Rich Trott) <2>#5459</2>[<0>0ebbf6cd53</0>] - <1>test</1>: remover designación flaky de pruebas fijas (Rich Trott) <2>#5459</2>
A path to a custom shell can also be passed to override these defaults.Una ruta a un shell personalizado también puede ser pasada para sobrescribir estos predeterminados.
Once again, no new terms were learned, this changelog files have many technical terms that are left without a translation.

Proof of Authorship

You may check this project's activity following this link and clicking on the top members tab. There, if you filter the search options to show only the translations on October 16th (when I did the translation), it will show a report of 1303 words translated next to my crowdin account (which shares the same name as my steem account).


I'll also leave a link to my crowdin profile:


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