Time To Get a Credit Card!


Last time I checked my credit score was when I did my taxes on April 11. I remember my score was 617. I randomly log into my bank and decide to use their new credit score thing and what do I see? A rating of 675 exactly one month later.

Wow, that was quick.

As you can see my credit score is almost average for people who live in this zip code, and this isn't exactly what I would call an underprivileged neighborhood.

I really just can't get over it. I fucked over several credit card companies for more than $10k, and now I have a "good" credit rating without even having to negotiate with the debt collectors?


I've already sent a message to my bank asking what it's going to take to reactivate my credit card on my account. This is the only credit card I've been paying off after these 4 years have gone by. At first I questioned whether I was just throwing away money. I could have just as easily let this card go to collections as well. However, because I've been making payments on time, this is my only line of credit and the only reason why my score could have gone up so fast in such a quick time period.

4 Years

Another reason why my credit score is going up is due to certain statutes of limitations. I stopped paying my cards four years ago, and now all those bad actions are beginning to drop off my not-so permanent record.


When you sign yourself up for a credit card, you become a debt slave by putting your very identity up as collateral. Luckily I haven't needed to use my credit score for the last 4 years. Pretty amazing really. No car loan; never needed to find a place to live; never needed another line of credit. Now I'm out of the hole once again.

How you get into the hole in the first place?

Well, like I said before, I did my taxes last April. Want to know the time I did taxes before that? TurboTax said 2014. Essentially I was living off debt alone for over two years, maybe more. It's actually pretty amazing how little I spent during that time.

INTJ Foreground Image.png

Why didn't you just get a job?

Probably a combination of crippling social anxiety combined with my knowledge of how the world works. I did a Myers-Briggs personality test and got INTJ "the mastermind" personality. Also referred to as "the architect". On a scale of 0%-100% guess how high I scored on being an extrovert.


Correct, I scored a literal 0% on an extrovert test, making me 100% introverted. Social situations drain me to the core and sap all my energy away. Even just talking to a random person on the phone is something that I would often whole-heartedly avoid.

INTJ is already a rare personality type (2%). Add to that the 0% introvert and the scale gets extremely tilted. Of course these types are largely BS but there is also a lot of truth to them.


In high school we were required to do a 5 minute speech every year in English class and it was worth 10% of our grade. I skipped it every single year and took a full grade less in English every year. My senior year they forced me to do it in front of the principal and some other staff or I couldn't graduate. Just trying to give everyone an idea here of the level of extent I would go to in order to avoid interaction.

But you write a blog and interact with people here.

Yeah, about cryptocurrency and economic slavery to a bunch of like-minded people.
Not really even comparable.
Also I'm not as bad now as I was then.

Speaking of economic slavery

I think this is another thing that really sets me back: I make a very poor slave. Let me tell you: it's embarrassing being a slave, and it's even more embarrassing being a bad slave surrounded by good slaves who wonder what's wrong with you.

My parents made for excellent economic slaves, and they did just fine. They gave me the best advice they could and all the support one would need, but that just wasn't good enough for someone in my position.


I don't know how this turned from credit scores to personalities to economic slavery, but there you have it. Speaking of time-slavery, I'm off to work. I've seen some of my coworkers with blue shirts on that say "Hero" on the front. The backs say "Delivering while Distancing" "SMF5".


I must have not been there when they were handing them out.
Not that I would have worn it.

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