US targets on Dragon, threatens China's worldwide threat

US Secretary of State Mike Pompey has expressed concern about China's connectivity project 'One Belt-One Road' (OBOR) running in many countries around the world. Pompeo has said that the Chinese project is less and more threatened by the economic cooperation of these countries.


Pompeo said that projects involving national security including the OBOR include national security elements. Please tell that the OBOR is also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It is a billions of dollars project that focuses on improving connectivity and cooperation between Asian countries, Africa, China and Europe.

On Thursday, Pompeo said in Washington that China is posing a threat to protect America, its friends and allies. He said in an interview with Rich Lawrie at the National Review Institute's 2019 Ideaise Summit, "They are not going to the South China Sea because they want freedom of navigation. Similarly, his efforts to build ports across the world are not because he wants to be a good shipbuilder and a manager of waterways, but in all his work the element of national security is hidden. He said that this is the same with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

In fact, India has expressed concern about a part of BRI of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPC) because the project is going through Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). The project of this three thousand kilometers of CPEC project is to connect China and Pakistan with rail, road, pipeline and optical fiber cable network.

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