Welcome to my own personal Saturday night rant!

Welcome to my own personal Saturday evening rant!!

Inspired by this post by @omitaylor I decided to put this totally useless feeling of rage into the blockchain.

Why, you ask?

Because I have to get rid of it, simple as that. There is absolutely no reason for getting stuff cropped up in your head, while you can also ventilate it. And people have the choice to actually read it or not. I I start to verbally express myself, my company most likely will not have the choice to say that they might actually not are interested in this utter nonsense. Which we also call complaining. Yessss, I think this will definitely be defined of complaining, but to me thats okay.

Because remember, you still have the option to click away or not! Dont go shaking your head on me later on 'Karin, this wasnt a cool think to read', because I warned you. I warrrrrned you all!


Are you ready?? Are you sure you dont want to look to something more cheerful? Okay cool here we go:

I really hate people in traffic

There I said it. I really hate people who are in traffic. And not just any random people, because the majority of people are really friendly in traffic. They call it 'The Friendly Island' for a reason here, because in general you will have a smooth ride here. You will always get a chance to switch a lane, or zip in line and even get a friendly honk or a wave with it as well. And if you are lucky enough to be from the XX gender, you will even get some phone numbers shouted towards you. But enough about the friendly people, Im talking about a whole different version of humans.


Im talking about the people who find themselves so important on the road, that they will ignore any rule ever created to get to their goal. I dont know if this is because they are in a gigantic hurry, or if they just find other souls on the road inferior, but the fact is...They are there

Why is this building up so much then?

Because around my area there is a lot of road construction going on. Yes, its annoying. But yes, its also necessary. Pipes have to be dropped in the ground, so after the next hurricane or whatever we will still have water, internet, power and all other stuff we were missing for weeks. This working means that the only road in and out is half blocked at the moment. A traffic light and traffic controllers make sure everybody gets a turn to pass there. Hear what I am saying, a traffic light AND traffic controllers


Okay cool the road is open, but the situation is taken care of, right??

Yes...that is what you would THINK!! But apparently thinking is a skill that is not compatible with everybodies brain. So what happens is.... on a normal day, I will be nicely waiting for the traffic light or until the traffic dude will say that I can pass. Cool, perfect, no problem. Reality is.....The people behind me will start to honk....

Or will decide to just pass through the red light putting the traffic guy in danger.

Or will decide to overtake five other cars while already driving, ignoring upcoming traffic and putting multiple cars and drivers in danger

Or while being a truck will just overtake the five cars, ignore upcoming traffic and just make them back up, even while going through a red light and ignoring the traffic dude

Or will just overtake 5 cars, ignore the traffic dude and put him in danger, dont care that they are a dick, and smash into the upcoming traffic. And will create a gigantic mess in that already 1 lane that is open. And will go to the hospital and need surgery. And will not have insurance so society will have to pay for this surgery. And will call all the people in the hospital who are trying to help them nasty names.

What will this mean for me?

What this means for me, is that I SEE this happening. I CANT reach my job where I have to do YOUR fucking surgery, which I myself and the rest of society will have to pay for. Luckily you will not have taken out the poor traffic dude who is also only doing his job, same as that I am doing while being yelled at by YOU.


And for what???

I dont know man. I really dont know. The fact is: I am standing in traffic, observing all of this and I find myself talking to myself in the car. And my normal thought on talking to yourself is that you must be mad. So you make me mad. And I will not waste my Saturday night on being mad on some dumb fuck like you. Therefor Im making a post about this and making a buck on your stupidity, okay??

This accident did not happen but is likely to happen every day. I have to get it off my chest on how much I hate people like this. I feel the tag #uselessrants is in place as well as the Dutch version of this #stoomafblazen. Thank you for reading until the end, you are cool!
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