The USA is a WAR ZONE!

 This was originally published by The Unfake Media at.

If you don’t have your head stuck in the sand, you will come to understand that the USA is a war zone of legalized terrorism.  If you  still back, the blue support the troops and all the hogwash then you are  supporting terrorism.  Paying taxes is funding terrorism there is no  debate!  Every police officer in the USA is a criminal gang member that  bullies extorts and murders citizens for profit. 

Every Police officer may not kill people in cold blood or aggressively extort people, but they stand by and let fellow officers  commit all sorts of crimes and if they really cared about serving and  protecting they would stand in the way if their fellow officers and  arrest them for being the criminals they are.  The fact is that if a  police officer does right thing then they will be fired and even if they try to treat people as respectfully as possible and extort people as  little as possible they still work for a criminal terrorist organization  and should quit if they have any conscience. 

People say all this about being a proud tax payer and doing their  duty but being proud of being extorted from to fund criminal thug  terrorists is not something to be proud of. 

Every day the road pirates of the USA commit high robbery and harass  people and after they get done with all this they expect people to  worship them as  a hero when they are cowardly bullies that are so  puffed up and egotistical that they are ready to blow your head off if  you don’t do exactly what they tell you.  

Some people think it is the federal government that is corrupt and  that in lower government there is corruption here and there and that the majority of government officials are good people but that is not the  case, the local governments of the USA are just as corrupt as the people  in Washington.  Out of all the different government employees librarians and firefighters are some of the only ones that are actually  pretty decent but for the most part everybody else in government is  either under mind-control and think they are doing good or just flat-out  psychopaths that get a high off of destroying people’s lives and caging people.  

The liberals will think the state is the solution to all the  worlds problems and that the big bad corporations need to be held in  check by the state but if you face reality you will come to see that the  corporations, secret societies and Zionist bankers completely control the US government. 

If you see a problem in this world, you can pretty much trace is back  to the government or the puppet masters that control it all. 

In this country of cowardice and slavery, everyone is held at ransom  by the state that has declared itself owner of all.  They feel you are  cattle, and they are completely convinced that you are their property to  use in any way they see fit.  They think they own ALL the land so they force people to pay them  rent/property taxes or they will eventually come with guns and kick you  off of your own land that they claim belongs to them because of the  delusional false ideas they have.  People think it is important to hire  an attorney if you get in legal trouble or need something legal done but this is part of their trick.  They make the “law” so complicated that  it is impossible for a normal person to understand it or do anything  without getting a state approved practitioner of law to do it for them.  The fact is that it is a waste of time to study the law or go to law  school since the law this country is under is fake fraud law and the  only reason it has any weight is because the paperwork of the state has  guns behind it and yours does not. 

You think you have rights in the USA? HOW DUMB ARE YOU? It is true that everyone has natural rights but the state does not recognize any of  your rights and treats your rights as privileges that can be revoked at  anytime.  If you need a permit or a license to use on of your rights  then it’s not a right but a privilege in the eyes of the state.  People  need to just wake up and accept the fact that there is no law, freedom, or justice left in this place that is the United Socialist Sates of America.  The courts in the USSA are all kangaroo fraud courts that do  nothing but simulating legal process.  They claim to be practicing law  and administering it but all they do is simulate and put on a charade  for the mind-control slaves. 

The fake fraud right has come to think it is so very important to  build a wall and stop people from crossing borders illegally and that  horrible terrorists will come in and if we don’t support  #BorderActionNow then the USA will be destroyed but it already has  been!  The terrorists are not coming over the border they are the border  patrol, the police and all the other government criminals.  Some bad  people might come across the border but for the most part the real  terrorists you need to be concerned about are the agents of the state.  If you are an “illegal” alien or crossed a border “illegally” then  good for you!  People traveling without having to submit Nazi papers is  not a bad thing but what everyone should be doing!  

Now if you have come over here and are taking all sorts of handouts  that is not something that you should be doing.  It is not the  immigrants fault that you live in a socialist county it’s your fault as a  shitizen for letting it even get to this point! Now we would support people to legally cross the border if it was not  this tyrannical system of needing to have the right documentation and  showing the correct Nazi papers. You should not need a piece of paper to  prove you exist, that is just slavery. 

Some people will misunderstand this to mean that we just have no  border security whatsoever but that is not the point.  You can have  secured borders and protect your country it’s just that people should  not need slave cattle cards in order to travel.  They are bringing in tons of migrants and shipping boatloads of  people in and they are using that to destroy even more of this destroyed  country and it is crazy to support that but letting people freely  travel is what free countries support.  Maybe the USSA should not bomb  the shit out of countries and facilitate all these banker wars and then  there would not be all this chaos but these elite cause the problem and  then come in with their solution of being enslaved more and more and say  it is necessary for your safety. 

It is time for people to wake of from the illusion of choice that  people are presented with via the false left/right paradigm.  The  Republicans and Democrats both swear death oaths in the lodge and they all protect their Masonic bros so if you think their allegiance is to  this country then you are just ignorant, their masonic oath supersedes any claimed oath to the Constitution.  We really have no hope in politics unless the Anti-Masonic political  party is reestablished and people work to have Freemasonry and all it’s bastard children banned from this land. 

The other strangling hold on America is the Zionist/Rothschild owned  Federal Reserve that is doing economic warfare on the people and holding  people in bondage to this fake fraud money system.  There are so many avenues that the government is warring against the  people for the NWO that it would take books upon books to document all  the tools and methods they use to wage this war on your rights,  property, health and mind.  

They already have the masses under  mind-control; and have them consuming the poison food and thinking  everything is okay so most people just don’t see the war that is being  wagged around them.  It is necessary for people to wake up! and realize the war that is going on so that they may join the fight against the NWO. We are not going to have much positive progress in waking people up  unless people start pulling their children out of the hideous  brain-washing centers known as public schools.  It is not only important  that we get the kids out of the public schools but that we work to have  public education completely outlawed.  We don’t need gun control or  armed teachers to stop school shootings we need to ban public schools  now! and stop letting the Zionist media facilitate all these fake shootings!  

People talk about having their kid save money for college  and how very important it is to get a proper education.  But the fact is  you not going to get a proper education in pretty much all colleges and  universities in the USSA.  You go into debt to waste many years of you life and get your head  filled with a whole bunch of nonsense when you attend college and maybe if you’re lucky you can get a NWO job out in the world.  After you  complete all these years of mostly wasting your time then you will  graduate and have square hat placed on your head to symbolize how you  are being squared by the Masons.  It is possible that you might learn a few useful things in college  but now days they have such utter crap like gender studies, white  privilege and all sorts of other SJW lunacy. 

It is disturbing when you realize how many different angles that they are coming at people by.  They are terrorizing people with the fake news corporate Zionist media and using it to facilitate all sorts of NWO  agendas.  They are using the food with all the chemicals, GMOs and  toxins so that they can dumb people down make them fat and in the end  remove them from the gene pool.  Depopulation is one of the major goals  the elite have in progress.  They pump the water full of fluoride and  spray the sky with chem-trails to not only make people sick but to  facilitate geoengineering.  It is likely that some of these recent big  hurricanes were steered to the population areas they hit in order to  kill people and help with the Agenda 2030 goal of getting people away  from certain areas and into the mega smart cities.  It is also  interesting to note that when hurricane Harvey hit Texas that people  where being denied help because they did not support Israel. 

They pollute the world with elctrosmog and now they are just getting  the new 5G tech out to make people even more sick and to help facilitate  the IOT smart grid smart tech agenda.  They have all sorts of new smart  home devices that are internet connected and that work in conjunction  with smart meters and 5G to help grow the surveillance state and the  elite control grid.  Here are two articles we did exposing internet if  things and the smart tech agenda of the NWO.  

Your entertainment is not entertainment it is mind-control and  polluted filth created by the Zionist controlled Hollywood to mess with  your mind, fill you with fear and condition you into the future they  have in store for you. In a future time we may post more articles highlighting the tons of  other methods and things they use to wage this war on humanity but for  now if you want to learn about some other NWO agendas they have planned  then browse around this site to read all the other articles about the  many agendas of the New World Order. 

Please don’t keep your head stuck in the sand, and please realize  what is really going on! We need as many people as possible to wake up  and start resisting and defending themselves from the onslaught of the NWO’s war against liberty and your life.

 Copyright by The Unfake Media 2018 

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