America and gun control

When a person hears the word "gun," he or she usually associates the purposes and uses of a gun with crime-related issues and plots of terrorism because of modern culture. Over the past 200 years, the need for weapons, especially firearms for the express purpose of self-defence from nature has drastically reduced. However, the gun has become a part of the national identity of America, a fact that is supported by evidence. The subject of gun control has always generated a social and political debate concerning the availability and restriction of firearms within the United States. Although handgun violence undeniably is a serious problem in America society, preventing those who has a legal right to protect themselves with a handgun from doing so on the basis of socioeconomic considerations simply cannot bet the solution. Blaming the instrument for its misuse by a minority of criminals, it seems perverse.
What then is gun control - Gun control can be said to be set of laws or policies meant to regulate the use of firearms by individuals and also regulate the manufacture, possession and sale of firearms. In American politics, gun control has been an intractable, a contentious issue and one of the most controversial issues. In the wake of so many mass shootings, it should come to no surprise that the discussion of whether or not guns should be banned arises once more. America's pervasive gun culture stems in part from its colonial history, revolutionary roots, frontier expansion, and the Second Amendment, which states: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Proponents of more gun control often want more laws to try to prevent the mass shootings and call for smart gun laws, background checks, and more protections against the mentally ill buying guns. Opponents of more gun laws accuse proponents of using a tragedy to further a lost cause, stating that more laws would not have prevented the shootings, that gun control proponents base their arguments on fearful statistics, whereas statistics, in reality, favour less restrictive arms bans. They believe that gun ownership is a right sanctioned by the second amendment, it should not be restricted. Gun control is a very controversial, complicated, and delicate issue because it effects a great amount of people in our society, and is full of moral and legal arguments. There are an abundance of sound arguments on both sides of the spectrum that it's hard sometimes to blatantly stand for one over the other.
What then are the major reasons for gun violence and solutions to it?
The constant debate on gun control will keep arising, is a critical issue if is not looked into. The major reasons for gun violence in our society today is that “some people don’t value human life.” This is not something new, it has been this way long before guns and will continue to be this way long after. We keep on finding better ways to kill one another and that has been going on for as long as there have been humans to kill, so even with a more strict rules on gun other means will be devise . We are not kind to one another, just like the popular saying “that man is wolf to man”. So people should be taught on the sacredness of human life and also in still moral values on children so that the can grow with it. Secondly lack of good jobs and basic life amenities. Much attention should be given on how to generate more good paying jobs for the underclass, an issue which is at the heart of the violence and also basic amenities of life should be provided. Thirdly “where there is no law disorderliness becomes other of the day “the federal law should establish strict registration requirements for procuring a gun, in addition to a transfer tax on machine guns and short-barrelled long guns. The mail-order sales and the interstate sales of firearms have also has to be addressed and prohibited. Effective gun control measures are a boon to law-abiding citizens and reinforce the constitutional rights.
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Change begins with us deciding what we are going to do to make the world around us better. The question is not whether or not we should ban guns but rather how do we learn to value human life? The bottom line is that a gun is a lethal weapon and its only function is to kill; the fewer people have it, the better it is. If firearms were less prevalent in society, criminals would have greater difficulty laying hands on them. There would thus be a lower possibility of firearms falling in the hands of teenagers or children, preventing a tragedy like the Columbine High School massacre. Gun control will ensure that there will be a stringent check on the ownership of all firearms and the number of manufactured firearms. The immediate result would be a reduction in violent crime. Even though there are many advocates of the thought that widespread gun ownership is the way to keep crime at bay, it is essential to understand that it is not the gun that is being questioned, it is the hand that pulls the trigger.
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