Death and Guns in America

Why do we never get to see the pictures of mass shootings?

Why did they not show a pile of toddlers, of dead toddlers, while their teacher lays on top of them in her effort to protect them? Why don't they show a school hall full of dead kids who were unable to scape? Why don't they show the concert arena after the event?

When anyone wants to know the truth about something, the most important question to ask is why. Because only by understanding who it benefits... do we understand who is the truth being twisted for. So who benefits from not showing these pictures? Do the parents benefit? Their kids are gone... you bet they look at their kids pictures every single day. So the parents don't benefit from it. Do you or I benefit from it... not really. You can choose to look or not look at them.

They benefit our current leaders.

Any normal human being would be broken upon seen real images of these carnage. And we need to start showing them. We need to show the truth. I am ok with pistols, shotguns and rifles. Why? Because they take time to reload and the damage that you would do with one of them.. you could probably achieve with a car. What I do have a problem with is automatic and semi automatic weapons. The general population does not need automatic or semi automatic weapons.

Imagine a scenario where a true sociopath, a cold killer, a strategist decides to unleash weapons on normal on citizens. Can they modify weapons so they are activated remotely? Yes.... Now think about that scenario. A semi automatic weapon mounted in a car. You hook a handle that compresses when a phone receives a call. Remote killing. Can you do it with pistols? Sure but how many bullets would there be?

Let's stop the madness and put an end to this.

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