Who is the real aggressor ? USA China Russia Iran

The US appear to have a lot of feuds ongoing. Deteriorating international relations, trade wars with an ever expanding military presence. Feuds developing in the South China Sea and Persian Gulf whilst still influencing the situation in Western Ukraine. Thinking logically, we must ask ourselves, who is the provocateur in all of this? 

In the South China sea we have seen the  USS John C. Stennis, US destroyers and cruisers all trawling around the South China Sea as a show of force. Can you imagine the fallout if China were to even so much as to respond by sending a naval fleet prowling up and down the East/West coast as show of force. Ratcheting things up further the US are know openly talking about Island-snatching in the South China Sea, confirming whilst launching a full-on invasion of an island in the East China Sea that this practice is “critical for us to be able to project power in the context of China,”  Just imagine China playing Island Snatching games around the Bahamas and Cayman Islands. Honestly, thinking logically, who is the aggressor?

I will be posting more on the situation in Iran and in Ukraine at a later date so give me a like and subscribe.

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