Anyone listening? Congress reveals who kills 1,000+ Americans daily

According to the U.S. Government Centers for Disease Control statistics, the #1 cause of death in the United States was Heart disease, killing 611,105 in 2013 alone. The number 2 cause was Cancer, killing 584,881. According to the Journal of Patient Safety, preventable medical errors caused 440,000 deaths.

So the third leading cause of death today, in the United States, is preventable medical errors. That’s more than 1,000 preventable deaths a day, due to medical mistakes.

More deaths every three days than deaths from the 911 terror attack? 1,000 people dead daily from preventable medical errors. Isn’t that an act of terror repeated daily, day after day? Why isn’t this front page news?

The next three leading causes of death are, lung diseases, accidents, and strokes. Then comes the 7th biggest cause of death in the US, which is from the adverse, side effects a person has to pharmaceutical drugs, that were prescribed to them by a doctor.

According to the US Government, FDA, Federal Adverse Events Reporting System, in 2013, 1,178,306 cases of adverse reactions were reported, and 117,752 people died from adverse drug side-effects. In one year. And not a word from the old fashioned media. Another 322 dead people a day. Even crazed mass shooters in urban plazas couldn’t crank out such horrific numbers. And the old fashioned media is silent. Not a word.

Anyway, then the US Government reported that a total of 711,232 people suffered serious outcomes including death, life-threatening disability, congenital anomaly and or other serious outcomes from pharmaceutical drugs adversely effecting them.

Think about it. This is not a joke, over 700,000 people in one year.

According to an expert that testified before Congress, there are another 10,000 people each day that suffer serious complications from medical errors. Did you hear that? It’s not bad enough that more than 1,000 people each day die as a result of preventable medical errors. Now another 10,000 suffer serious complications. Daily. Where is the old fashioned media? Boosting their ratings with useless stories full of slanted stupidity? Are they looking the other way to protect their lucrative advertising revenue? I wonder.

The Centers for Disease Control stated a few years ago that 1 in 25 hospital patients gets an infection from being in the hospital. Of those people, 700,000 of them will get sick as a result, and a mind blowing 75,000 die. So another 205 people drop dead, daily, from infections they got at hospitals.

Why isn’t the old fashioned media covering this?

Who cares what celebrity got what celebrity pregnant. Who cares who dumped whom. What does it matter when real lives are being destroyed daily on an unimaginable scale by the medical and health care industry. And your old fashioned media is ignoring it. Think about it. They’ll rush to cover almost any tragic accident or shooting, but will turn a blind eye to more than 1,000 people dying each day.

Think about it. No really. Think about it. And share this video with everyone you care about. Get the conversation going.

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