There is no barbarity on the Khafr of the Qur'an

April 5, Al Jazeera, Washington Post: A group of children memorized the vast Qur'an Sharif. The teachers are happy with their achievements. Happy proud parents too. According to the tradition, the reception will be given to memorize the huffazas. Turban will be taught on the head as a recognition of Hafez.

But 11-12 year olds did not receive any reception. Turban was not worn on the head. Instead, they were bombarded with airplanes.

The country's army has created such barbarity in a Madrasah in Kunduzpradesh in Afghanistan.

Hafaz killed about 150 people. Their teachers and guardians are also in the queue of the body. As a result, the number of people killed is at least 200

The incident happened on Monday. But in the last four days, the spread of the incident has spread in the cyber world.

The common people of the country expressed their grief for the Khafs. They are expressing their sadness and sadness in the social media

On the incident, Afghan Senator Abdullah Karlak said that the army launched an attack on the Haq's certificate in the Qur'an in Akandja Gajra Madrasa. There were hundreds of people present there.

He said, in what I heard, more than two hundred people were killed there. The deceased were teachers, students and civilians.

The senator also said that all groups have the obligation to protect innocent people from the military conflict.

Kunduz provincial councilor Safiullah Amiri said many civilians were killed in the air strikes. The scholars and the students were there. We have protested why the innocent people were killed.

Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman General Mohammed Rammanish said they had carried out air raids on a base in Taliban. The slavery used to be the Taliban training center in Archi district. Foreign fighters from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan were killed there.

Dutti Archi district near Kunduz city and Tajikistan border.

Witnesses said that civilians, students, their families and religious scholars were present in the ceremony to receive the certificate of Hafez in the Quran. The army carried out those destructive attacks on them.

Mohammad Abdul Haq, an eyewitness, said that the children who were there would be in the age of 11-12 years. Their reception was arranged for the custody of the Quran.

After the bombing, children were seen crying out to mothers outside the hospital. The people who were around them were crying.

One eyewitness said that hundreds of people were killed in the attack.

One of the people named Haji Ghulam said, I was working on my farm. I have heard the attack on madrasa with a fighter. Although the Taliban were active in the region, the children of Hafiz children, including the children of Koran, were present at the ceremony.

He said, I went to the madrassa and found that there were many corpses of Hafez lying in the Koran. The injured were found. It was disaster. Blood was everywhere. Many people were killed in the attack.

Most of the bodies of social workers wandering in social media were children. The caption of the photo was written - I am not a terrorist.

The Taliban said in a statement that 150 students, scholars and civilians were killed in the air strikes. There were no fighters there.

Jihad, Akhtar, on a Twitter account, said that the children were supposed to receive their reception and gifts after the Hafaz in the Qur'an. But instead the Afghan military gifted their bombs.

The United Nations Cooperation Mission (UNAM) in Afghanistan has reported that their investigative team went there to investigate the incident.

The Afghan military said the United States was not involved in the attack.

But in the last few years, the United States has provided training to the Afghan army to carry small airplanes and bombers.

With the help of NATO allies advisers, the Afghan Air Force has been conducting raids in different places over the past few months. The mass civilian casualties were casualties.

The United States-led military alliance says that the Afghan air force is now emerging.

On March 22, they used laser-controlled bombs in the Taliban targets using the A2-9 fighter in Farah.

Afghan Ambassador Omar Zakilwal, who was posted in Pakistan, said on Twitter on Twitter, that 70 civilians were killed in air strikes in Dasti Archiche. Most of whom are children. More than hundred people were injured.

Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned the attack. Attacks on terrorism in our homes, hospitals and religious institutions are against all forms of ethics.

The US AC-130 firefighters attacked Doctors Without Birds Hospital in the same district in October 2015. At least 30 people including doctors, patients were killed in this.

The US military then said that we did not understand that the building would be a hospital. The Pentagon did not consider that attack to be war crimes.

The US military launched the attack to help rescue Kunduzpradesh from the Taliban. Earlier this month, a group of Afghan security and intelligence forces attacked the Chapharhar district of Nangarhar province and seven farmers, including two teenagers, were killed.

The Afghan forces are trying to keep the casualties as Taliban fighters.

Human Rights Watch said on January 31, the Afghan Special Forces attacked the Taliban fighters in Mayvand district with the help of the US Air Force. At least 20 civilians were killed in this.

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