US diplomat resigns Suu Kyi raises questions about good wishes

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi's solution to the resolution of the Rohingya crisis, the member of the International Advisory Panel has been formed and the well-known US diplomat Bill Richardson resigned.

The panel's role in solving the Rohingya crisis and Richard Aung San Suu Kyi's "good will" questioned Richard Richardson referred to this as 'showing people' to question the role of the panel.

The Myanmar government invited Richardson to join the panel.He alleged that the issue of the Rohingyas' plight was not discussed with utmost sincerity. He criticized the role of Aung San Suu Kyi.

At one time, the experienced diplomat working in the Clinton administration said Suu Kyi's 'leadership lack of morality' in solving the Rohingya crisis.

In an interview with Reuters news agency, Richardson said that his conversation with Suu Kyi was on the sidelines of a meeting on Monday.On Monday, Richardson asked about the arrest of two Reuters journalists detained in Myanmar after reporting on the Rohingya issue.

Suu Kyi became 'mad' to present this context, and she said that it is not the responsibility of the Advisory Board to talk about it.

Apart from being the name of this panel, he also said that it is the main purpose of keeping the country's government happy or entertaining without doing any work.
He resigned because he did not work as a 'cheer-leading squad' for the government in his language.

Last year, the International Advisory Board constituted by the Aung San Suu Kyi government formed the Myanmar government. Its purpose was to implement recommendations for the stability of the Rakhine state. Five overseas members of the 10-member advisory board.
There is still no response from the Myanmar government after Richardson's resignation.

Nearly 6.5 million Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh to escape the ongoing torture of Myanmar's Rakhine state and took refuge in Bangladesh. The United Nations described it as a classic example of 'ethnic cleansing' by the atrocities committed in Myanmar.

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