Conversation With A Niggod: A Nigga From Outerspace Is Sent To Help Earth's Nigga Race

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Once again, here in The Year 2020, known to US on Niggadom AS THE YEAR OF THE NIGGA, I done had to cum back to Earth to warn the Brothaz and the Sistaz of the error of their Ways and Means.

For shurely if I cant help these Niggaz they are headed for Self Destruction — and maybe even PERMANENT Extinction if they CANT GIT RITE.

According to the most up-to-date NIGGATEL these latest batch o’ Niggaz were under some of the most severest and diabolikal Mental Programming we had ever seen back on Niggadom.

These Niggaz had developed a large dose of low self-esteem.

However, this gotta be understood on some levels if U gone katch my Meaning.

Niggaz been beat down and tricked so much — and turnt one against anotha so often that they go round fighting & killing one another over stoopid shit. Shoes and neighbor-Hoods, for example.

And word done even got back to Niggaton dat Niggaz is even low-key EATING one anutha nowdays!

I know. Thats sum krazy shit, rite?

But On Everything — its happening among em!

Needless to say, at the rate they were going off, they were subject to being Wiped Out. Completely.

I was told not even a NAP would be left.

Something had to be done.

And thats my Job.

I gits shit done. I turn whole Planets around. One Nigga at a time.

I have been cumming to Earth from The Cosmic Location known as NIGGADOM to solve Nigga Shit for nigh on 2 earth Precessions — which is to say, about 26,513 years.

Now, it was time for me to turn these poor, programmed Niggaz around.

Cuz there is definitely a Deeper ELEMENT working among them Niggaz to help em Self-Destruct. U hear me what Im sayin?!

Its because of that a lotta NIggaz make LOOK like They Niggaz but they AINT. They just a LIKENESS of a Real Niggaz butt they are FAKE Niggaz! This Likeness kan fool the very Elect of Niggaz on Earth. Therefore, this just serves to keep Niggaz at each other Throat. Constantly a-fighting n whatnot. Making sho that there is always something to keep their ass apart.

So its KRUCIAL that ELEMENT of Fake Niggaz be ROOTED & BOOTED Out from Real Niggaz if Imma have any chance of Stopping the Mind Kontrol that’s done hold of My Niggaz — and enabling them to stay SEEDED on Earth.

Everybody calls me NOW. Means Nigga of Wizdom.

Im the oldest of Niggaz like myself on Niggadom. Troubleshooters, Wizdom Folk. Helpers. Medicine Men. Priests. Whatever. Trouble Makers. Ladies Man. Geniuses, even. Women do this work too.

I know shit that I dont know how I know. I was Born Knowing. And never Died. My kind dont Die. We age to 60. And then our Methusalah Genes kick in and we hold up right there.

Its a Gift — and a Curse. Being able to live forever. Cuz sometimes I wanna Die. But I cant. I got work to do. And whatever you are born to do — YOU DO.

It aint like I git tired or nothing physical. I just dont like seeing other peeple around me die after 200 years. Because thats the average age of Niggaz on Niggadom. 200. Then, MOST of my Niggaz go on way from here like a fart in a dust storm.

But thats another story.

Back to these Niggaz I gotta help.

Every since These Earth Niggaz defied a direct legal order and began watching Television n Movies and reading the Books of THE ENEMY they had descended to the bottom of the Race Wars plaguing earth.

The Enemy had put THEIR Minds in the MINDS of Niggaz — thereby preventing Niggaz from thinking like Niggaz ought to Think. Niggaz were now hating SELF and EACH OTHER too.

Of course, this had been forseen on Niggadom. But these Niggaz here due to their level of Mental Depravity & Diminishment, had brought about their descent much faster than we anticipated. And not only that — These Niggaz were not Fucking at the rate that Niggaz had always been known to fuck at. So they were not Reproducing fast enough no mo.

I had been given 48 Hours (thats 25 years in YALLS time) to come up with a viable plan OR The Nigga High Council was thinking of just warshing they hands of these Niggaz.

I didnt wanna see that happen because I had never lost a Cosmic Location before. And I wasnt about to lose one now because of these Poor, Unrighteous Niggaz.

But The Balance (known as Maat in the Old Hotep Language) of these very Niggaz was hanging in such a way that they mite not never recover.

My Files indicated that part of the problem was a sertain breed of Niggaz were constantly being born frum the Adulterated Nuts & Wombs of those who were MSG and Red Dye eaters in past Earth Years.

Kan you believe that shit?! Here we are in The Current Precession Year of 2020 — and way too many Niggaz still aint learnt how 2 eat to live. They still eating to die.

Thus, all children born from 2 such-a-Niggaz fucking are always liable to be Natural Born FOOLS to a way of Thinking and Being. OR worse yet: the rate of Fucking drops cuz the MSG takes a Nigga natural desire to Mate away from em.

I was also hearing that these Niggaz been fighting over who is supposed to Wear the PANTSES in the Relationship. The Man or the Woman now?

At one time, among these Niggaz, only the Brothaz wore pantses and Drawls. The Sistaz wore Dresses and Skirts and whatnot. But somewhere along the way, the Sistaz began wearing Pantses — and Drawls too (including Boxers and Tighty Whiteys).

Then one day, before anybody knew what had happened, without any cognizant realization, it was harder to tell the Nigga (man) from the Niggress (woman) based on how they dressed.

Thus, ensued a Gender Power Struggle over Pantses — and to a lesser extent, dem Drawls I mentioned. Its done got so bad Sistaz are now Bitch-Slapping the Brothaz!

It was just one Mo thang that had these Niggaz fucked up here.

So I knew I had to brang this shit to an Amicable Resolution and git Niggaz FUCKING, THINKING — and DRESSING once again in Divine Order as I knew they could and should.

They just needed some UNDERSTANDING returned to their Foundation and Groundation.

It must be understood that Understanding is the Basis of Solidness in all relationships. And one thang I have learned is that in all Yo GITTING — make sho you GIT and UNDERSTANDING. That cums from the BOOK OF NIGGAMASTE 4:7.

I aint never forgot that because when one gets Understanding they get Overstanding which leads to Innerstanding and that brings the proper Standing of the sit-yation at hand.

Sadly, this was missing frum these Extinguished, Self-Hating Niggaz.

Lemme tell you sumthin. I was born to do what I do.

The Niggods of the High Nigga Council have tried others at this job but you gotta have the Aptitude for this shit. I Do. Mainly, because I’ve always been a Real Nigga, myself due to the fact that I was born of the Seed from a Mama from Niggadom and a Daddy from Earth.

So I was born with real, strong Earth Nigga tendencies from the git-go. Eventually, I blossomed into a full-fledged Earth Nigga with strong Niggadom Overrides tho. This protects Me. And its few like Me. Thats why I got the Proper Behavioral Characteristics for this type-a-thang.

Im glad I do. Because, truth-be-told, I enjoy this shit.

I just happen to be living on Niggadom.

Anyway, I had did my research and knew there was only about 144,00 Real Niggaz left on Earth.

As the Book of Niggamaste had told Us, they were led separately, by 12 Main Real Niggaz who had as yet not been Identified by The Enemy. They were spread across the globe.

I knew if I could get to them — they in turn could turn the balance of the 144,000 into a Salvation Army — and in the process save the entire Race of Mentally Programmed & Enslaved Niggaz with the Dissemination of Right Knowledge.

However, We knew THE ENEMY was also working hard to Find and Destroy the last of these 12 Leaders of the 12 Hoods of Real Niggaz. So time was krucial. I needed ALL 12 are The High Council would let them be Destroyed.

The great majority of the 144,000 were located in Amerika with quite a few sprankled around the rest of the world.

So I decided I would start in Amerika first.

I keep several Space Transporters. Butt my Purple Cadillac Spacemobile is my favorite. Aint nuthing like a trip to and fro Earth in this muthafucka. Especially with all the latest shit I got at hand for my use inside the joint. A 1956 Caddie, baby. All I gotta do is Fill her up wit drained energy from the nearest Star Station — and Im good to go. The beauty of it is once I hit Earth’s atmoshphere it converts to a regular classic caddie. I gots 2,000 channels of Satellite Radio feeding me Niggatel thru-out the Cosmos and hidden weapons for anybody foolish enuff to try me.

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I prepared to leave NIGGADOM which is just the other side of its own Capri-Sun which in turn is cat-che-corner to Earth.

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It only takes me about 8 minutes to get to Earth if I fly direct at the speed of Sunlite — or Less, when I take that short cut behind the Moon dat us Niggods carved out to gain Victory during The GREAT COON DYNASTY WARS.

You see, The COONS had been Blocking The Dark Side of the MOON — until we figgered out the Cosmic Light Codes and busted thru (I will tell you about that Uncivilized War anutha day).

I Made my exit out of space and landed in my usual mountain stop in the Valley of Las Vegas (theres a portal there). Always hot when I cum thru.

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Las Vegas was once home to a Great Water Nation. But an Extinction Level Event forced the Water out when Earth Niggaz Violated mandates and lost their Agrarian abilities. Shit like that prevents farming and whatnot and know-how of tilling the land to make it fruitful again. Now, Vegas is mostly desert on top of dirt.

I had a long way to go and a short time to git there to Return Mah Niggaz Back to The Path of Greatness.

Butt you see, Im krazy enuff to believe I know how to do the POSSIBLE with Very Little. And the IMPOSSIBLE with Nuthing.

These Unsertain Niggaz of Earth bout to get This WORK.

I just had to locate My FIRST Nigga.

(to be continued by poular demand)!!!!

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