How To Stop Overthinking?

A lot of us get so analytical about everything. We always think of the worst case scenario, and we fear about everything. Overthinking is nothing more then just a bunch of thoughts that hasn't even happened yet. Here are my top ways to stop overthinking, and find peace within yourself.

Write Down All Your Thoughts

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Writing your thoughts down on a notebook helps you release all the tension inside you, and you can release all your emotions.

Once you write your thoughts down, take a good look at them and ask yourself, "Are these thoughts that I'm having serving me, or are they cause more problems for me"?

Overthinking a lot of the times comes from when we try resist the thoughts we are having from our mind. If you try to resist the thoughts you are having, you are becoming a full time over-thinker because resistance makes stronger.

When you begin to write stuff in a journal or a notebook, you start to see what you are thinking about. When I was depressed for a long time, I had a journal, and I would write stuff down, and I noticed that I was holding on to those thoughts inside me because once I started writing more, my emotions starting to release out of me.

A lot of thoughts that I had were really negative as well, and once we can start to realize the power of thoughts, we can change our thoughts and change our world.

Change Your Perception


We see what we are thinking about, and I've realized that we have to change the way we see our thoughts.

There is a story about two zen monks, and there are not allowed to look at women. So two women walked by them, and one monk was just like letting them go by without any thought, the other monk couldn't stop thinking about the woman that walked by him. The first monk said to the other monk, "I left her there, you are still carrying her in your mind".

A lot of us carry our thought and our perceptions. The first monk didn't have a problem just walking by the women, and the other monk couldn't stop thinking about them because he was in a lot of resistance and had a lot of baggage with him.

We overthink a lot because we don't have a perspective, and we are not look at the bigger picture. A lot of us have a roof over our head, and we have food on the table. We have a lot of things to be thankful for. The more perspective you get, the less you will be overthinking.

Change Your Diet

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A lot of eat artificial foods, and a lot of processed junk. A lot stimulants don't do well with over-thinkers, but magnesium does.

A lot of the times, overthinking comes from a magnesium deficiency. Eat a lot of leafy greens, like kale and spinach. Those food will help you with your anxiety, and your overthinking.

A lot of us don't realize that we are what we eat, and every 35 days, are bodies make new cells from the foods we are eating. So you gotta asking yourself, "Am I eating fear, or the love of nature"?

Surround Yourself With Less Thinkers.


We surround ourselves with people who have a lot of anxiety and overthink a lot. I don't want to be surrounding myself with a lot of nervous people or then I'm going to start feeling nervous as well.

Surround yourself with people who are in tuned to the present moment. Do you do an activity that you love to do, go find people who have the same amount of interest of that activity as you do.

A lot of us are overthinking because we surround ourselves with people who are anxious about the future. Surround yourself with more people who are present, which leaves me to my next step.

Be Present

We all get so caught up in the past and future, that we start to overthink. Being present allows you to be at peace within yourself.

We think that we know it all. We think that we are right all the time, and that's why we overthink, Analysis is over paralysis.

That's why we see the meme about how intelligent people have trouble fallen asleep due to a lot of brain activity. I may be true, but we forget about building emotional intelligence, EQ.

Once start to meditate more, you start to overthink less and you fall asleep faster. Being able to stay present will make you realize that everything is in divine order.

A lot of millionaires even though have a lot of money, are still having problems. Occupying the present moment means realizing that you have what you need, and you don't needing more of what you are you are already have.

That's why we have to get out of the illusion of getting something to be something. Realize that you already have what you need, and the overthinking will soon past.

Thank you for reading today's blog post. Have a blessed day, and remember that life doesn't have to suck! :)

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