Common Traits of Travel Enthusiasts


Do you often feel trapped in your mundane routine? Do you feel that your world is getting increasingly confined within the four walls of the office? Do you feel you need to break out of this rut?

If the answer to all those questions is Yes, there is a high probability that deep within you lies a travel enthusiast, who is still to fully realize their potential.

Travel enthusiasts are people just like you and me. What differentiates them from others is their zeal to explore the unknown. They would completely agree with Rachael Wolchin, who once said, If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet.

Travel enthusiasts do not go to the usual places or do all the typical touristy things. Their aim of surviving a job is only to earn the money with which they can travel the world in comfort, like when they can upgrade to Premium Economy class tickets.

Here are some traits that are common to travel enthusiasts. You never know, after reading this, you might end up confirming that you too are bitten by the travel bug.

5 Common Traits of Travel Enthusiasts

  1. They are curious: Travel enthusiasts are curious about almost everything they encounter in their lives. They have a strong desire to learn new things, which could be a new skill or explore a new culture. They miss no opportunity to meet and learn from new people, as they move from place to place.
  2. They are more observant: As humans, we have the ability to observe. But there are a few of us who are extra observant. They pay attention to the minutest detail of a situation. They want to take in almost everything from the place that they are travelling through. However, they also have the ability to eliminate unnecessary information from their brain.
  3. They love adventure: While we all might believe that adventure is thrilling, how many of us give ourselves the opportunity to have an adventure? We live life so safe that we don't realize that one day our life has ended, without us having made a mark. Adventurous people, on the other hand, prefer to live life to the fullest. They are not afraid of seeing new places, meeting new people and engaging in new experiences. In other words, they are truly adventurous.
  4. They welcome change: Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "Change is the only constant" No matter whether you desire it or not, things will change. Change could be in terms of new people, new situations, new responsibilities or new places. Those who love travel find it easier to accept change. They don't believe in sticking to one thing only, since that would cease their learning.

Travel enthusiasts are continuously pushing themselves out of their comfort zones. But one place where they don't compromise on comfort is when they have the opportunity to upgrade to Premium Economy class tickets.

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