Operation rescue special thanks for a great friend

During the feeding day of today, we decided to make a special act, as a united group to thank in a small way our friend @cauac, who has been a great moral support and example from a distance, although only to personally spoken with me, we want you to know that you have a special place among us and that as a group we appreciate you!

she is the lady heida, one of the most kind and brave people that exist, she showed me that there is no shame in taking what others throw away if with it you can feed the defenseless.

These are my wife and I, sorry the faces honestly we are not photogenic and they took us by surprise xD

This is my mother and her friend who have been excellent administrators and helpers of cooking always putting on their part!

Although they have very serious faces, they are quite friendly and the animals are their weak points, these gentlemen help us almost always with transportation and emergencies, each one helps with what they can.

Finally we all joined that we could attend to thank my friend and hope that this little gesture of heart is to your liking!

We found this little one today, his condition is quite delicate although he does not seem to have big wounds in plain sight, we decided to take him home to monitor his diet and try to clean his skin.

This friend was somewhat discouraged and without appetite so we will be watching him in the next visit

We remember you that they are household pets, and if someone wants to give them a new home, we will help as much as possible to make it a reality.

Thanks for your time and your heart, a big hug from us and from every pet which you helped to feed today!

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