DCOMIX Discord Server Now Online

Discord is a great communication tool for real-time networking and, distinctly, DCOMIX is now online with its own server and motivating channels!

In collaborate channel, the DCOMIX Team had a little talk earlier and present to the first ever round-table discussion were the Rexes @lovebooster and @artgigs and the Sages @kingswisdom and @cobmaximus.

We do have ROLES to stand for what we are doing and soon you will meet the Nobles, Electors, Knights and Champions of DCOMIX Domain.

Yes, we are somewhat like chess pieces believing in active participation and teamwork. The job of one person is the job of everyone. And trust is a big factor in moving this platform project forward but empowerment will speed up this wonderful venture. Whatever lies ahead, DCOMIX Team and Steemit Webcomics group will face it hand in hand. Believe it, we need you.

So we are inviting you to join us, invest on DCOMIX, and help us develop it with love for webcomics creators and their creations. Let your generous word-of-mouth support for its establishment reach the ears of every Steemian.    

Visit DCOMIX Discord Server today!

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