3Speak Development Update - Mobile App, Refactor, Break Away Communities and more


Hello 3Speak & Hive community members,

The following are the ongoing priorities of the @threespeak team. We have included videos that we uploaded on the @threespeakvideos account.


  • Assist Caracas Event Hive Members with the Mobile App.

  • Offline / Downloaded podcasts take time to play - Bug Fixed.

  • Video / Shorts details - load only 2 level comments - use union indexer.

  • In favorites - 6 tabs - Videos, Shorts, Tags, Podcasts, Podcast Episodes, Offline.

  • Date of Podcast published when playing the podcast.

  • Podcast list - show the name of the Author.

  • Podcasts > Episodes > Show History.

  • Swipe to Delete RSS Podcast added by the user.


    • Make a function of checking if the account is more than 6 don't allow to save the current account.
  • Working on Social Logins, e.g., Google login, Discord login, etc. Using Magic Link.

  • Allow removing some accounts from the list.

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