Quick Update

Hi all!

Please don't upvote this, I meant to decline payouts :(

This is simply not my style, but I wanted to get each and everyone of you a quick update. I'm working on finishing up my 3rd video rant (the one I started in late October of last year!). To remind you — or to inform new followers — this is where I take 5 terrible spams from verified spammers, confront the spams, and then execute swift justice on the spammers.

I should have it done soon, but want to promote it organically for a number of days, so I'll be posting it in the first week of June.

I miss posting every day, but I'm trying to experiment with different media. Hard to make an expression with just pencil alone, I'm too complicated and crazy for that.

Have a great weekend!

* Just so you know, I've been spammed by females too

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