Laziness the father of invention? (long time no see update)

Or how me being pissed off about my laziness backfired.

It was some years ago when i heard about the idea of laziness being behind inventions. I think my sister introduced the theory to me. Never looked into it, so no idea is there something to it, but it makes sense or at least it is funny to think that it does.

People did not want to carry heavy things so they invented a wheel. They didn't really want to walk so someone had to make a bicycle or a car. Everyone is lazy enough and does not want to get up from the couch and change the channel therefor remote control...

So not being lazy got me to spend a lot of my time last almost a month in bed.

Some backstory so i can make excuses :)

I love sports, looking at me most would not conclude that, but i did dislocate my knee 4 times in my life playing football (European one :) ). I think that shows my dedication and love for spots :) . But i was never a fan of exercise (looking at me most would conclude that).

Few years ago i was in my heaviest phase and it was a point where it started to affect me. So i did a hard reset of my diet with eliminating bread and all processed sugar. In 5 months of being really strict with it i lost almost 25kg, i could go at least 20 more, but you probably figured out that i am not the most persistent fella. So i was not that strict with my diet after that. But i also started with some light exercises and regular walks. And in the last year or so i started with intermittent fasting (16/8).

Long story short, in October last year (think it was October) i got Covid. Not the worst case ever, but 4-5 days in bed and 2 weeks of isolation (so binging shows and moving form my bed to my pc and back). It reset me to my factory settings. And my factory settings are Exercise = 0. With all the situation with Covid, Covid passes and restrictions my overall movement was almost at a halt.

Now 6-7 weeks ago by accident i found some workout for knees and legs. Knowing the shape of my left knee my thought was that that would be the best way to get me moving again. And the plan was 3 times a week. My factory settings got involved and first weekend i skipped the 3rd day. And i was kinda pissed off about that. So next week i got my 3 times a week even i felt something in my foot. As the week started i felt a niggle. i didn't want to make an excuse for my laziness to be a slight itch in my foot so i powered through it. And that is how my laziness should have saved me, but my anger about my laziness fucked me over. My conclusion is heavy inflammation of ligaments/tendons on my right ankle. Some of you probably experienced that. I did dislocate my knee 4 times. Never in my life anything hurt like my ankle for 2 days. Rest of the time it was when i walk but for those 2 days it was constant pain.

Now solution for that is RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation). And there is a reason why people get casts or mobilizations. Because people don't listen and will walk when they should not. And by people i do mean me. Overall situation did not help. January, February and March are not great months for accountants, with all changes that our government did this year it is even worst. To add to that mid Feb. we had a Covid problem in the firm and family. So we were cut in half in the middle of chaos. That kinda meant that i need to get around. And it was week 2 in my recovery. It felt not that bad, until it did. So i kinda got back to day one and constant pain.

Now 4 weeks into it, i am back into a niggle in my ankle. With hopes that it will be over in few days. My laziness wanted to save me and i did not let it :)

Now i need to get off my factory settings again.

On almost not connected issue. Are you using Hive Auth with Hive Keychain on your mobile phones to log in? I tested it when it came out to log on a desktop browser but i never used it to log on my phone. Few days ago i tryied to use it and log in to PeakD on my phone. That is a life changer for phone users. You just write your username on PeakD tap the QR code and log in to your Hive Keychain. And it works. It feels almost a miracle when i compare it to any other login i had to do.

Any idea how many apps on Hive added the Hive Auth as a login option?

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