If we don't learn to heal our own wounds, they will win.


I grew up during the years of counter revolution, at least after I left home at 18. I remember racial discrimination, homophobia, transphobia because I moved around and in many different circles. The totally moralistic and restrictive culture around me infuriated me in many ways.

I met my first homosexual at the age of 19. It was nothing sexual, but they became a really loyal friend. They talked to me. They moved there because they had a mixed racial child from a relationship in NYC. Moving to NYC was their way of protecting their child from racial discrimination. But, later on they confessed they loved their own gender more. It was shocking to me at first as a neophyte.

My first real relationship, was to a person of color. I attribute it to being rebellious and confused, not understanding anything about unconditional love, because that is something I wasn't accustomed to. My childhood consisted more of behave or get slapped. That was the world my parents were raised in, and was the world I was too. I imagine many can relate to this. I became a rebel without cause.

Now we live in a world where all the damaged children, and this has been true over and over throughout time, are demanding that their voices be heard above all others.

Its pretty fucked up. All of us have voices to be heard. Most of us are damaged in one way or another. If we refuse to accept that fact, we will never learn how to live with each other. And that is the big Great Reset Plan.

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