
There is no denying that Africa specifically Nigeria is impoverished. This stems from many reasons that are self-incurred and some beyond our control. An average Nigerian lives under a dollar per day and this is someone who has numerous daily needs to cater for. A dollar will never be enough.
The government know the daily challenges its citizens face yet it turn blind eyes to the plight of the people. In as much the people in power and their family keep enjoying to the maximum the good things what life has to offer they don't care about the people below the masses which they represent. Democracy has never and will never work in Africa unless corruption is tackled, people's orientation and other necessary changes are changed. The rich keeps getting richer while the less privilege who refused to get out of their comfort zone and go extra mile remain the same if not worse. The alarming rate of unemployment has the youth indulging in frauds(online scamming), stealing, kidnapping, e.t.c.
This begs an answer to the question 'What is the way out?' Honestly I don't know the straight answer but I know that working hard coupled with smartness legitimately, exploring new ideas and innovation will surely pay dividends.
I found Steem. I found a way out. Though still dependent but thanks to Steem I can be much more than a dependant.

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