#untalented contest--Who am I

Hello Steemians!

I am a mother of a 3 year old girl. She is beautiful and the best thing what happened to me.
I worry a lot wether i am doing enough for her, for my partner or at work. It is never easy to be the best version of yourself in each second of the day. But i´ll try to change in the moment i recognize that i am not.
And sometimes not.
Sometimes you need to let out your sadness or anger or what else... because that´s what are you! A person with emotions, energy, and anxiety.
I am working a lot, even when i get paid less, because i like what i am doing. And i always try to have enough time and also the free mind for my little girl. To show her the world (more the city, but i ment also the small things in nature ;-) )
and to have an open mind with lot of curiosity.

I´ll tell her that she can do everything what she wants and she is always asking things like "Can i eat chocolat?" ;-)
I think in some years she will understand what i ment.

You need to grow to see the big picture. And with the right support you can grow very much...
And when you are grown you can give everything back to somebody who needs that. That´s my sense of being here.


I hope you like my picture.

Good night Steemians!

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