Dont let anything or anyone stop you this year


Two days are  important in the life of a man, the day he is born and the day he does(Myles M.) 

Here are three things that can hinder us from breaking record this 2018.

1.MEMORIES: when you allow thoughts of past events to cloud your mind, they will diminish your vision and make it impossible for you to see the future. Such memories may include where you are coming from, how impossible it has been in time past and so on. 

2.FEAR:  Fear is a robber. It will rob you of your strength and ability to confront the issues of life. This is a killer and a limiter of vision that's makes a man to find satisfaction in backwardness. The Holy book says for God has not given us a spirit of fear. If God did not,  then who did?  Satan did. This could hinder us from breaking record and meeting our set goals in. At each time a man needs to be conscious of the reason he was created. Are u 

3.DISORGANIZATION:  When you are not organized, you will be disorganized. To be organized means to set your priority right, stop allowing the wind of life to blow you to and fro. Life is like a puzzle, we must solve it to understand the principles of life.

My friends, look deep and ask yourself if you are fulfilling purpose or you are just passing through the earth without leaving footprints behind. People are remembered for two things, the problems the solve and the ones they created. The future belongs to you and nothing can stop you.

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