A bad plan, is better than no plan

Experience is not the best teacher, but the good use of experience is the best teacher. Sometimes as a teenager, youth or adult we go through our daily activity without an articulated plan that can set the tone for our direction. We rather sit and watch things happen with the excuse of what will be, will be(serah serah). This quote is wrongly applied by persons that are hungry, lazy and have lost focus.  the tap turn on without someone doing so? How do you drink water without reaching out to get it. We have to reach out to things before we can connect to them. 

One simple reason why we don't take decision is because we are afraid to fail. I have come to discover that failing is a pathway to the top but failure is the acceptance of good excuses to remain at the bottom. To be rich or poor is a decision while to be successful or a failure is also a choice. Remember the story of the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday, Sir Isaac Newton just to mention be a few did continue even at they kept failing. It is far better to fail than not try at all. It is far better to have a plan that didn't work than not to have a plan at all. We must push ourselves beyond the limit we see with our physical eyes and reach out to greatness. 

In this world there are two kinds of people, those born great and those with the seed of greatness. It explains why some children are born genius while others need to work hard to activate that which is in the inside. No matter your race, religion or country, greatness is not in location but is a seed locked in the inside. Persons made huge sacrifice to develop  the countries we wish to run to today. African countries have not done enough despite the huge potentials they have. Thus we can be the beacon of hope to change things. 

Keep Trying

If you have failed before this article is for you, if you had plans that didn't work then I am talking to you, if you have felt like giving up in time past then pay close attention and even if you were not born with a silver, wooden or plastic spoon there is still hope.

Get focused

The world may have their opinion about us but we determine what we eventually become. Life itself is a battle, we must learn to fight to bring out  hidden potentials in us. Our class teachers or employers may only see our inability and make huge comment to discredit us, don't give up. You must leave to starve your distractions and feed your focus and emphasize on your strength.

The place of Steemit

Several post are on the steemit community that can take us closer to our greatness; take time, read them and add to what you know for little drops of water makes an ocean. Look unto your God, no one knows more than his maker as the product manufacturer understands the product more than the product itself. We will get there.


There is a place of friendship in heading faster towards our goals in life, we should not despise it. I need you to help me to become efficient in getting my plans executed and you need me too. If we learn to see beyond this present world then it will do us much good.

Match plans with action

Always plan your day, week, month and year and set measures to see them accomplish for the Holy book says "write the vision, make it plain......" It is better, cheaper and more profitable to have a plan that failed than not having a plan at all. You will be like a man without direction. Plans are fuel for passion. Match your plans with action.
He who fails to plan, has already plan to fail

We will get there.......

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