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They say, immoralities are not prevalent because bad people outnumbers the good ones, it's because the seemingly good ones have decided play the "mute" game, they are silent.

Let's all speak up on the need for creativity.

After listening to this video by Ken Robinson in one of the TV shows TED TALKS , my thought was troubled overwhelmingly. It was just so true.

It's really amazing how people strive to go to school, get certificates and end up miserable in life. This is because We have been deceived in school by our lecturers. They taught us how to believe in our Certificates not in our abilities. We have different capabilities yet they gave us the same exam to write, making us strive to pass with good grade but not with a sound mind.

In the words of Ralph Emerson he said "WE are shut up in schools and colleges, recitations rooms, for 10 or 15years, and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing".

School has made us slaves to our world. The truth is that education only tells us about the past but fail to prepare us for the Future. Our lecturers made us Believe that With a good certificate you can get a good job(what a deception). They made us Believe that our whole life depends on the white paper We carry and not on our abilities. They prepare us to look for jobs instead of creating Jobs. They prepare us to be Slaves instead of Masters, They prepare Us to be employees instead of employers.

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The truth is that such system of education is outdated and obsolete. In the early 1920s, The world population was just about 2billion and they were many industries with just few technologies, hence there was an urgent need for Human force to pilot the Affairs of this industries by building schools where people were trained and Prepared to be employees.

Though It worked then because of limited technologies but today the whole message is different.

The world population is about 7billion with many technologies that have taken over the jobs of Humans. Now, this is the problem, While there is an increase in population and technologies, there is a decrease in Jobs (Remember, People went to school in the 1920s to work in the industries but with the emergence of technologies, The Main reason for going to school was defeated). The obvious truth now is that school was made for the Past not the Present nor the Future.

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Imagine in the 1920s, Banks employ many people to help do cash transactions and people were being paid for It, but today with your mobile phone you can transact (thanks to technology), thereby reducing the number of bankers and making them irrelevant.

With the speed at which technologies are taking over, I will not be surprise that one day, all banking procedures can be done Online without any banker.. Now, The big question is... Why do school still teach us how to count money as bankers when they are aware that there is already an ATM technology that has taken away our Jobs? Why are We still been trained for the industries when technology has rendered us useless? You maybe a biochemist (as I was made to Believe I am, in school) cram all the pathways and structures yet end up miserable because you have not been equipped for the Future.

The truth is that We will continue to have many unemployed Graduates increasing by the Day and not even Government can help salvage this situation. Have you asked yourselves, If school prepares us for the Future, why do We have many "Useless" (unemployed) Graduates hovering our streets? Just imagine, spending 2years learning how to become a tailor yet
you ended up not knowing how to cut clothes not to talk of sewing, even after you have received a certificate from your master to show that you are qualify to face your world. This is exactly what Nigerian education does to us all.

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Start to think for a solution for a problem today because that is the essence of education... Solving Problems and Creating Solutions!

For a mind that knows, Is a mind that is free!

image source : google

Remember To vote @steemgigs and @doctorvee as #witnesses


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