What Steemit Means To Me + Birthday Message


When an egg is laid, it has everything inside it to become a chick but if there is no Incubation then the Chick will never form

This episode of Untalented requires us to explain what Steemit has come to mean to us, I must confess that when I came on this Platform In January, I knew that I have Stumbled across something that has the Capabiltiy to change my life

The Only thing I did not know was the Magnitude of the Potential that Steemit offers, I only thougth in the Terms of SBD and STEEM Power, I never thought in the terms of Human resource and Human Capital

It has been said that with any door you want to open in Life, Men are the key. But you will never discover those Men if you judge them based on appearance


Here on Steemit , Humans are classified based on the level of Steem Power they possess, but in the Chase for those with high Steem Power we forget one basic thing we all share, we are all first Humans before we are Minnows, Dolphins and Whales

We need to stop connecting with people based on the size of their flippers here on Steemit, we need to connect with them based on the Size of their hearts

A lot of people have asked me my secret of being able to attain my level of Steem power within a year on this Platform while those who joined at the same time or before me have not attained such

I tell them that every thing that I have achieved came because I valued people first as Humans with dreams and aspirations and helped them grow without necessarily thinking of what I will get

The secret to attaining everything you want in Life is by helping people attain theirs and they turn around and Lift you up. This is an open secret that most people will still fail to adhere to.

Humans are naturally selfish and we always want to get 100% value in everything thing they do, but if you can just give 51% value to someone who has what you need then the person will turn around to give you the 49% value you need to succeed

Givers Never Lack, but in other for you to give, you have to recieve first, and we have recieved the basic things we need to lift others up in Life


You will be a Fool to think that the only way you can effect change in Life is with Money. Money is good, but it is only a Tool and if you see and treat it as Such you will never Lack it

Developing a Relationship with a Human being is the greatest investment you can ever make. Steemit Is a Place that has Introduced me to a huge pool of Valuable Human beings

The very Nature of the Platform makes it easy to know those who are good and those who live good lives and those who are just pretenders.

We have seen a lot of People who blow their Trumpet of how good they are, but whose actions those not match their words. I have always told people that the Proof Of Work system on Steemit goes beyond just Voting and Curation rewards

It is what it being used to Guage who you are as a Human being and this determines what comes to you as a result of GoodWill. I am active in Steemit Communities on Discord and I have seen people lose vital opportunities because they fail to take their blog seriously

Before a serious person approaches you to give you an Opportunity , they will always review your blog to check the quality and usefulness of the Content you post there, they will also check the to see how you treat the people who reply to your posts

Those who have formed the habit of ignoring their readers comments are only shooting themselves in the foot


Huge Brands are making entrance into Steemit and when they want to get community representatives they won't make judgement based on what you wrote on your Blog profile, they will make judgement based on the Number of people you have been able to reach

There is a Popular complain on Steemit that it was the possession of Pre-mined STEEM that gave some Whales power that they don't really deserve, people whine all day of how the system is unfair

The truth is that @ned does not owe you anything, and even if things are not as balanced as we all desire, you have to go out there and make a name for yourself, you have to go out there and build something that people will also rally around

We are entering a second dispensation of SMT and other Business applications for Steemit, if you don't put in the work and carve out a name for yourself, when the people who have put in the work start getting all the endorsements you will again find yourself in the Complaining end

Steemit to me is a Canaan Land that have Introduced me to Men who have cast the Light and shown me the right way to walk, paramount among them are @bania and @surpassinggoogle, the former brought wood while the latter provided fire


Today makes it my 23rd year on this Earth and I can say that I have a clear path for the future and these Men Played an important part in making that possible

It has been said that Age is just a Number and that is true because no matter your age whether 80 or 18, you can still make the world a better place if you determine to do so, you are never too old or too young to make Impact

You just have to work with the right Mentality. You also have to know that Life is not fair and that you will fail sometimes, but you have to also know that you will learn more about Life on Bad days than in the good days

Living a "Me" life will not get you anywhere, Instead you will keep Moving In Circles, the only way to break the Circle is to let others into your Life

It is not how about how much "Change" you make, it is by how much Change you make. You can have all the Money In the World and still be Miserable

I don't envy people who have more than me, I only pity them if they don't vlaue people, because they will never know true Happiness

I will end with this quote

We can all talk about making our mark, but our legacy is not what we are going to write on our CV or how many Commas we have in our bank account.

It is about who we are lucky to have in our lives and what we can leave them with. The one thing I am sure of is that we are here now so lets do the best we can while we are still on this planet

Thanks for Reading

Image Source :Unsplash and Pexels.com

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