Naughty little deer

Hi steemeian! today I am going to tell you a funny kids story .... hope you like it



A little Deer wanted to cross the river to eat tasty leaves and roots on the other bank of the river side. But there was a crocodile in the river.

The little deer didn’t want the Crocodile to eat him , he had an idea.

He called the crocodile to come out, “Hey Crocodile!”

Crocodile came up from the water and asked, “Hello, little Deer... Have you come to be my lunch?”

“Not now!, Listen, I have orders from the King. He wants me to count all the crocodiles in this river, he have some gifs for you.”

“Oh really! The king said?” crocodile surprised and asked what to do.



“You must float and line up from this bank to other bank of the river, I WILL COUNT 1 BY 1” said the deer. Crocodile brought all his friends and family. They float and lined up across the river.

The little deer walked over all the crocodile's back, counting 1,2,3... and crossed the river.

"How many are there ?" the crocodile asked.

"Enough to off the river." said the littLe deer and went off.


Thank you for reading my post, please don't forget to upvote if you like this. Through this post I would like to thank all my well wishers, supporters and upvoters.


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