Woman: A Rare Gem

Of all things I could imagine throughout yesterday, i didn't need a second thought to conclude that women are quite a unique gift from God.

A woman is an adult female and quite a unique gift from God above created from the ribs of man.

Imagesource: www.pixabay.com

There's a particular catch-phrase i usually hear and i quote "What a Man can do, A Woman can do even better"
I had to finally accept this. Because the role they play in the family, society at large makes me believe that indeed it is a true catch-phrase.

The Role Of A Woman In The Family

  1. As A Wife: She is the man's partner and a helpmate. She sacrifices her pleasure,set standards of morality and also maintains peace and stability In the family.

  2. As A Mother: This one no be beans at all In this aspect, I will look at the child bearing which is a whole lot of burden to her talkless of upbringing the child. She's the first teacher to the child, and also a family health officer in the household. Always concerned about the physical well being of the members.

Imagesource: www.pixabay.com

Imagesource: www.pixabay.com

#. As A Family Income Manager: It is her responsibility to secure maximum return from every thing spent. She always prefers to prepare a surplus budget instead of a deficit budget.


Which brings me to complete it with a poem

From birth she's called a bouncing baby girl
As a toddler, she's treated as a peace of joy
As a child, she's seen as a pretty thing
As a teenager, she's doted on with admiration
As an adult, she's adored as a flower
As aw woman, she becomes a Mother of
The universe, a care giver, what a creature-

A woman was made from a man
Yet she's more modified than a man
God gave her twice all He gave to the man
She has longer hair;
Better shape;
Longer life span;
In everything that God gave man
He gave the woman double

A woman is a woman
No matter the choice
No matter the colour
No matter the smile
No matter the style
She was made to be productive
In the garden of life,
To do great things and to do good things.

Imagesouce: www.pixabay.com

In every baby girl, you've a daughter
In every daughter, you've a sister
In every sister, there's an aunty
In every aunty, there's a friend
In every friend, there emerges a wife
In that wife, there comes a mother
And in every mother, there's a woman
A woman is a woman

Extracted from: The New Valiant

I have to finally pen down from there, Indeed a woman is truly a woman beyond reasonable doubts.

God bless all the women

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