Don't Forget where your blessings are coming from....

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The people of God suffer from many illness today that we shouldn’t suffer from. One of which is the greatest illness we suffer from and that is spiritual forgetfulness. We seem to forget what God has done for us so quickly. As soon as we are blessed, we turn looking for the next blessing forgetting to thank God for the blessing we already have and often time when we are bless, we soon forget where our blessing comes from. Particularly those who have what I termed as pre-mature faith. Those who praise God before they understand what God has done. King Nebu is one of those people. Foe he has received the blessings of God in Daniel Chapter 2 when Daniel interpreted his dream. In his gratitude to what God has done he gave premature praise in Daniel chap 2:47-48 and calls Daniel God the true God and in Daniel 3, oh how soon the king has forget how good God has been. Foe he elects a golden image in his own likeness.

Now the interpretation of the dream has nothing to do with Nebu electing image for his own self worship but Nebu receive the blessings he did not understand gave premature praise and forget where His blessing came from. Be careful you do not forget where your blessing comes from or came from and don’t forget who bless you.
many fellows praise God for what he has done for or seen God doing for others. We must love our maker for Who he is Not what He has done for us.

The Bible says in all things we should give thanks to the Lord. The question how many of us gives thanks for trials and problems that come upon us. How many will be pleased with the bad thing that has happen to them? We always want the good things, but even when we have them, we turn to be Like King Nebu.
How many of us know that when you sign up for God, you sometimes signed troubles, you don’t believe, come lets go to Job and testify, Job can tell you that he was minding his own business. God and the Heavenly hosts were having a conversation, here comes the enemy walking by and gives his attention and says what are doing here and he says am walking around looking for who I can mess up with and God not Satan, said have you considered my servants Job?

Remember it wasn’t the devils idea, it was God’s idea. Have you ever understand that the troubles that you are in, God has intentionally forge your name to the enemy, when Satan was looking for somebody to tempt. God gave your name to him to test whether his child his worthy of trials. Because God need you to make him Known in an unknown place.

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