A letter written purely from the heart


Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every man who has seriously failed in life, there are women.

Dear men,

If you really want to see your family succeed, your life become smooth and trouble free, your plans go well, exalt one woman over the rest and she will stand by you through thick and thin.

Show one woman all your love and she will never abandon you, she will take care of your home and your enterprise, she will make you a king and into a great man in this world.

But try multiplying women in your life and see how much you will squander your wealth, how wasted you will become. They will eat you and reduce you to nothing, they will lead you to poverty and misery. They shall crush your dreams and visions, and you shall die a poor man with nothing left in this world.

Men, being faithful to one woman comes loaded with blessings of its own. A lot of men keep defending themselves with the saying, “King Solomon had many wives, and was the wisest king to have ever lived” (If at all his story is true).

Just read the chronicles of his old age. He ended up saying, “Everything is meaningless, and useless.” He ended up abandoning his fore fathers' traditions and led the entire Kingdom into worshiping false foreign gods. Israel got devastated by foreign nations, got cursed, and later got torn apart and they were led into slavery. He died a miserable heartbroken man.

Exalt one woman and stay away from numerous strange women and prostitute.

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