Amazing adjustments that have happened to my life since i found steemit. @surpassinggoogle contest

*This is an entry on sir @surpassinggoogle 's #untalented contest.*

This must be the oldest entry in this #untalented contest.

Sir  @surpassinggoogle had recommended me to participate in this  #untalented-adjustments contest a few days ago but due to my upcoming  exam preparations, coaching classes and other stuff like school  homework, I've been too busy and didn't have time to post here on  Steemit. I've participated in almost all the #untalented contests on  Steemit so I didn't want to miss this one to break the streak. 

Today I am going to write about how Steemit has made amazing adjustments to my life.

Thanks to @surpassinggoogle for being such an awesome witness and organizing this amazing #untalented contest. Initiatives  like these help the new Steemians like me to get more recognition on  this platform and drastically increase the follower-base & blog  earnings.

As you can tell by the username, my  name is Bikal Siwakoti and I just joined Steemit about 6 months ago.  These six months have been a fun roller coaster ride. And  one of the major adjustments it has made in my life is that I have  developed a strong progressive mindset and productive habits due to  Steemit.

 I've had the chance to interact with too many  awesome people and too many awesome communities here and all these  community interactions and exposure to talented & wise individuals  has changed me from an immature kid to a responsible teenager. I  used to waste my time on silly things and fruitless tasks like watching  T.V.  Now I spend most of my time on learning new things. Which brings me to the second major adjustment. 

Cryptocurrency and blockchain must be one of the most important things I've learned about which has changed my life.

Thanks  to Steemit I've amassed a lot of knowledge about cryptocurrencies and  I've also learned to trade in Bittrex. I use my blog earnings of Steemit  to buy cryptocurrency. I used to trade WWE & Pokemon  cards before but now I'm shuffling crypto coins in exchanges. This is a  huge advancement. Although I'm still a kid, I already feel like an adult  because I'm playing with real money here and my friends are still  trading Pokemon cards. 

Another major  adjustment Steemit has made in my life is that I have learned how to  write (although just a little). English isn't my first language and the  overall education system in my country isn't good enough so I always had  trouble learning English and writing something in English was a very  difficult task for me. I love reading though, and I spend a lot of time  here on Steemit reading quality posts of amazing authors. Reading  thousands of articles here on Steemit and blogging regularly has  significantly improved my writing skills. I think it's an important  skill to learn in life and I'm glad I'm learning how to master it here.

Another  major adjustment is that I get to be a part of this amazing family  where all of the community members are really helpful and supportive.I  keep mentioning @surpassinggoogle several times in my Steemit blog  posts because he's helped me a lot to succeed here in Steemit. Even  though he's a very busy person who works very hard on Steemit, 24 hours a  day performing the role of witness, he takes out time from his busy  life and visits new Steemians blog and supports their posts. He  encourages them to do better and even gives SBD gifts to new Steemians  to motivate them. And even though he gets thousands of  messages from so many people every day, he's kind enough to reply to my  messages whenever I have a problem or some confusion.  

I  also met a Nepalese brother @creatovert last month who has taught me a  lot about Steemit. He's currently managing a Discord community with  other Nepalese brothers to help new Steemians from Nepal to learn about  Steemit and grow as a blogger here. He regularly provides me writing  tips and suggestions to improve my writing. It's due to his suggestion  to use the Grammarly app that I have fewer grammar errors now than my  older posts. 

I've met other awesome people  like @travelnepal, @kaylinart, @artaddict, @destinysaid, @misterakpan, @purepinay, @cabernet and @sykochica who  regularly visit my blog and support me through their heart-warming  comments. I would have quit blogging here a long ago if it weren't for these people who regularly support me and motivate me. My dream has always been to be a successful writer one day and Steemit community is helping me to achieve that.

Other  than all of these adjustments, the most important change that Steemit  has brought in my life is myself. I'm not the same person now who I was  before 6 months ago. Throughout the long journey from my  humble beginnings in Steemit with zero followers to active supporters of  more than 700 followers, I've learned so many life lessons which no  motivational book or self-help book can teach.

 I  have explained all of the struggles I had here on Steemit as a newbie  on my previous post

All those struggles and hurdles I have faced here on Steemit, has improved & upgraded myself significantly. I've  stopped being a whiner and started becoming a problem solver. Before,  when things didn't seem to be working out, I would dwell on depressive  thoughts and resort to complaining & whining about things. Now,  whenever such a situation arises, I use my logic rather than using my  emotions to handle the situation and figure out a solution by  communicating with smart people, researching on the internet and reading  books.

Thank you Steemit for bringing so many positive changes in my life. And thanks to all the Steemians who're helping me and supporting me here on Steemit :)

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