Here Are 10 unMEAN sTWEETs From 10 Lovely Steem-Women!

Do you know some of the women here on steemit? Manytimes, the username misleads! Behind some many of the steemit usernames are amazing women! 

How do we identify a steemwoman, so as to celebrate them and follow them?

If you can't tell from their blogs that they are women perhaps, you can spot it or hear it from the sound of their comments. 

Their comments tend to have some tender yet passionate heart in it. Their comments can also sound very brave at times and especially, when they come in, to have your back! 

They also have this ambition and strong will-power, that is very evident when you listen to sound of their comments!

Think this is all fallacy? Think again!

Here are 10 unMEAN sTWEETs From Steem-Women!

1. Is Age Just A Number?

@dreemit answers this way:

 Yes, actually that is the one thing about growing older, our bodies definitely do age, even if our hearts and minds do not. But our spirits are ageless and eternal :) 

2. What Is The Situation With Internet Usage In Russia, Is It Same As In China?

@mysticegoistic tried to explain it, in her comment below! English isn't her first language but you will still get the gist:

 not yet like in China. (but we are almost all know and can use anonimasers, because so many site are prohibited).
but we are have the law about extremism, scary enough, and for the posts in social nets now can get the real criminal prosecute (and we have precedents already - only because of words, without any real action).
and let me be clear - it's may be not a post about 'real extremism', but any post at all. We can not criticize the policy of Russia in relation to the Crimea, because now such critiks is regarded as a threat to the territorial integrity of Russia under this law and is prosecuted by law. we can not criticize a corruption of any officials.
et cetera. and I not speak about civil activism, how it's hard - it's exist, but these poeple are real heroes. any opposition sites or media are closed and prohibited very soon.
at the same time - it's not yet a China or the North Korea (or the USSR).
That was about freedom of speak.
Speaking about socila nets - they are exists, but regulated by russian laws. even the not-Russian social nets (facebook example) must now hold the data in Russia and they must let the State getting acsess for private accunts. so the steemit as the net in where a human may save anonimity, and in where the state can't regulate - it's valuable! believe me.
(I know about Minds, by the way, but I like Steemit more). There is the paradox with all these blockchain things. on the one hand they are completely open and transparent. but at other hand, exactly this quality is valuable.
we are (me or my friends) are not a criminals, and I'm not interested politics as it is. but I hate when politics begins to go to my life and even to inside my private blog. 

3. If you keep getting haunted because parents are aging and fears are entertained that they may depart us soon; here is what can help:

A splendid comment for @mammasitta:

It's not an easy job but she was here for me . It's my duty to make her last helpless years a little bit nicer. 

This really lengthy one-liner helps if we have aging papas too!

4. Are black cats bad omen?

@bontonstory wasn't afraid to express herself in this comment:

 I've heard black cats weren't a good sign. I think it is just an old story though. I like black pussycats. They are haughty and gorgeous. :) @meesterboom

5. What is the creative process involved in creating a painting?

@silviabeneforti highlights her experience in this comment:

 In my creative process usually I start thinking about a scenes that (for me) represent a thought, but during the work (especially when I paint on canvas) it can change because I let my imagination free when I paint. For this painting I started to think about the relationship between two person (usually my charachter don't have a gender specication, it's not important for me). This "though" will have mre details at the end, but I always think that the watcher have to be free to "feel" her/his own thoughts watching the painting ^_^ 

She is from Italy, so English may not be her first language but you get the gist!

6. "A Cop Or A Farmer"; Which Is A Better Profession?

@surfermarly popped out on comment:

 I love bad hair days for instance 😄
Besides this celebrity aspect, some people have jobs that require them to be completely "untouchable" in a sense of professionality (e.g. people that work for the national security, police men etc). A friend of mine is a cop and we can't ever take pictures together him holding a beer in his hands etc. He has to maintain a certain "image" all the time. The blockchain is even more tricky for these people since nothing can't ever be deleted :)
Happy to be a farmer, nobody will ever be interested in me and my data haha

7. Do we have a role in Steemit Marketing or only @zurvanic and @andrarchy does?

@beanz spilled the beanz here:

 Well we have 3 options.We can sit and wait patiently, doing nothing and letting others handle the growth.We can play our own part, spreading the positive message of what this revolutionary tool can do for us, as suggested by the marketing team.We can put pressure on people who are doing the work for us to do our jobs faster so that we don't have to work or find the patience and we can just piss and moan instead until we get what we want.Personally I see option 3 to be destructive to the cause. I won't pretend I think what the marketing team is doing is wonderful but it's a start and it's more than I'm doing since I'm lazy (well also busy of course). But I can only be grateful for what they do since I'm not the one paying them. 

8. Is Education Old School?

@giantbear had this to say:

 I agree. Education is the most important here but the whole world is turning into a very sad place. Perhaps when we are gone one day the education may have helped... I am scared for my children and all we can do is to keep on praying and educating. Perhaps someday something will change... 

9. Is There Thing Like Perfect Currency Trading?

@patelincho left some experience in her comment here:

 My personal opinion is we never know the time , its 50 % chanse right ?
Wen i first started with crypto and trading very smart person @fyrstikken told me 2 things :
Never risk more than you can aford!
Buy when is low and sell when is high !
About bitshares here in steemit are a lot people who are very informed about bitshares maybe you need to chek other posts about also .I personal belive bitshares and steem can only grow in the future but who know for sure ? 

10. Is Dementia A Rarity? Are The Stats Alarming?

@aineyann lives in Ireland and caters to Dementia patients and here is her timely comment: 

 Thank you for the insight. I work with Dementia patients and with the numbers increasing rapidly here in Ireland (40,000 and rising) at present, any preventative measures whatsoever is a huge bonus. This is such a crippling disease. Very interesting read, Oral care is so important in the elderly also in terms of self-esteem, dignity, nutrition and social integration. win, win. 

The path to finding out if a steemit username is that of a woman is not very easy. However, in any thing wholesome and positive and for the ultimate good of humanity; "be to lazy to quick!"

Pay closer to the comments on steemit and you will hear sounds and you will hear it, when she is a woman!

To add some spice to our work, help us steemwomen! If you weren't featured in this post, leave us your username in the comments, let's come visiting ASAP!

One of the most amazing songs out there; sing a woman's praise!

video source/credit to: Maxwell/YouTube

Disclaimer: This post is very resteemable! 

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