10 unMEAN sTWEETs On The Issue: "Is It Still Essential To Read In The 21st Century?" Are Books Still In Vogue?

Additional image source/credit to: @rubenalexander

"Don't let a day emptily pass by without reading something"

This is becoming ever more possible with the advent of steemit! We have a necessary inclination due to steemit, to read even more as we incessantly "mine with our minds" but how about books? Are we really reading, if we never get to hold a book? Hahaha, some may feel so!

According to me the world is fast-paced and perhaps, leaving us behind and one way to keep up; is "reading"! I tell you, "words still rule the world"! All the concepts behind the revolutionary steem blockchain for instance, had to be relayed to us by means of whitepapers and roadmaps!

Even animals are upgrading when it comes to reading! "A mouse will leave all other parts of your Phd certificate and chop off your name"

Mosquitoes read your warm sizzling temperature to know it is time for a feast!

Roosters read the patterns on your face to know it is time for the pots!

So how much do you read? 

You smoke; do you know how to spell the word "cigarette"; do you take time out to read what's on the cigarette packs?

Do you read between the lines?

Do you read at all? 

Do you consider reading on the INTERNET or steemit, reading too? Or do you feel, actual reading involves holding a book?

This is a very beautiful topic and steemians have share their thoughts:

10 unMEAN sTWEETs On The Issue: Is It Still Essential To Read In The 21st Century?

1. Will Reading Make The World Better?

@herverisson keeps it short:

All true! we need more people reading... Books, scripts, plays, newspaper whatever... Something more than the whatsapp chats and emails.

2. Is The Number Of Readers Worldwide Reducing?

See the thoughts of @looftee:

The facts that now very few people are reading book is disheartening. People should read more in order to grow more.

You'll remember what you are learning so you can apply it to your life.

Yes I have applied a lot in my life what I have read in books. Some even changed my life. My perception of looking the world.

3. Does Reading Make Youths Better Adults? 

@scaredycatguide imagines himself at 18 once again:

If I was about 18 years old right now. I would be so excited by the advantages I could gain by doing simple things like reading. From experience I know that reading books has improved my writing skills, improved my mindset and help me grow into a rather awesome human.If younger generations are not reading, than you can have an upped hand just by doing it. Exciting, well atleast to me.Now I just need to find Doc and the DeLorian so I can go back to when I was 18 :-)

4. Books Smell Different From The Web! 

@theblindsquirl know the smell of books:

I like books.I find there's also something satisfying about holding a book.It's a sensory thing that involves more than just your eyes. Books have mass, they have heft. Old books have a certain smell that evokes ancient wisdom and the paper has a texture that you feel with different parts of your hand.Your fingertips pull up the corner of a page and you feel it brush across your palm as you turn it.You get a sense of movement through a book that you don't get by clicking a mouse or mashing a keyboard.

5. Does Reading Exercise The Brain? 

@hms818 talks of "reading and the brain" in this comment:

Reading gives the brain a different kind of workout than watching television or listening to the radio. Reading can melt away stress and boosts your vocabulary too... Nice post!

6. Can You Read With Your Ears? 

@david777111 says you can in this comment:

One way to keep up is to use audio books in your car stereo when you drive. Every time you turn the key on to start your car you also start the next pages of the book. Brian Tracy encourages his students to have massive amounts of audio books in their car focusing on their trade. This is continuous learning turning your car into a learning machine. He calls it, University on Wheels. For myself I always play the audio of the Bible in my car.

7. Can Reading Come Into Play On The Dining Table?

@tamaralovelace read it in a book:

It's so very gratifying to add some random bit of information to an obscure conversation at the lunch table. You get that sideways look and they say how on earth do you know that LOL. I always say 'I read it in a book :)'

8. Does Reading Help Writing Careers? 

@cerebralace relates:

I find that I'm a better writer thanks to all the books that I have read. Especially since graduating from university!

9. Can You Still Find Knowledge In Books?

@elderfinancial knows the answer:

I do enjoy reading and have found, like you, how much information and life knowledge you can find in a book. However, now with the INTERNET and ability to read a short few pages on a subject I desire, I find myself reading less full length books. One thing, do you really think 43% of college students never read a book again after college. That seems like a really high number!


10. Does Reading Have Any Impact On Your Vision?

@walkerlv relates his experience:

I've always been reading books since i learned reading in the first grade. I find it almost impossible to overestimate the effect it has had on me. Without writers like thoreau, rand, hemmingway,... my beliefs and my outlook on life would be entirely different.I also find it important to not just read stuff you agree with. Dare to read books which challenge your views!

  Disclaimer: This post is very resteemable!  

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