Lucky's Unlucky DayOne day

I, lucky the duck, was swimming in the pond. A funny and weird thing about me is that my name is Lucky, but I am actually very unlucky. I was just looking down at the little fish swimming away from me when I was thinking about how boredI was. I didn't even bother to eat the fish. I had nothing to do. I just ate, dropped my phone on land (my phone is an underwater phone, so it stops working if you drop it on land), and soaked my newspaper. See! All unlucky. All the sudden, I had a great idea! I decided to take a vacation! I went to my house and packed snacks, clothes, and a few books to read. After that, I headed straight to my shiny duck-mobile on land. I drove to Animal Inn, the hotel for animals. While I was driving, I got stuck in traffic!There were a lot of animals who were going to Animal Inn! Do you know how I knew that? There aretwo things. Number one, the road that we are drivingon only leads to Animal Inn. Yup! There are no other places that this road leads to. I am guessing that thehotel want to be somewhere with no competition at all. Number two is that everyone, except me, was chanting "Animal Inn" the whole time, and it was driving me nuts! Mainly because we were in traffic for two hours! Finally, the cars started to move and I reached Animal Inn! I unloaded my duck-mobile and waddled to the hotel. It was huge! It also smelled so much like my favorite food, lettuce! I walked to the check-in desk. That's when I realized that I forgot mywallet! "Oh come on!" I yelled. Silence spread across the room. "Sorry," I said, "I forgot my wallet." They nodded and got back to doing their own thing. I groaned and walked back to my duck-mobile. I put my bags back in the trunk and drove home to get mywallet. I was started to drive when I saw that there was no traffic. "Yes!" I yelled. I drove as fast as I could and then I heard a sound. It sounded like police siren, so I pulled up. A bunny cop came out of her police car and handed me a ticket. "You crossed the speed limit," she said, "you need to show me your license and pay." I didn't know what to do. I didn't have my wallet! "I don't have my wallet," I told her, "but there must be something that I can do." I hoped there was. "Here's the deal," she said, "I followyou home. Then when we get there, you show me your license and pay for your ticket." I nodded. Then I started driving home while the cop got in her car and followed me. Once we reached home, I got out my car and told the officer that I will be back. I waddled to my house and reached for my keys. I picked them up and the key for the door was not there! "Why am I so unlucky?" I asked myself. I swam to the surface. The cop was waiting impatiently. "I am so sorry, but I forgot my door keys," I told her, "I also don't have a phone that works to call a duck locksmith. Can I please use your phone?" She nodded and handed her phone. I typed the number and told the duck locksmith what happened. He said he will come in a few minutes. I gave the phone back to the cop and waited. The duck locksmith came in ten minutes. He walked to my house and unlocked the door. I told him to wait so I could get my wallet and pay. I went to my houseand got my wallet and payed the duck locksmith, he left. Then I showed the cop my license and payed forthe ticket. She took the money and left. I decided to stay home. I went to my duck-mobile and unloaded the trunk. I dived to my home and laid down on my bed. I thought about my crazy day. I even thought about how unlucky I am. Well sa la vie, that's life. At least I don't have to go back there again. I can buy a new phone or visit my friends! I can have fun right here!

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