Is the Impossible Really Doable?

No one will believe you when you promise to do the impossible, very few will support you when you begin doing the impossible but many will celebrate you when you finally do the impossible.
Kazeem Olabisi

That's life, so you don't have to worry about the majority that thinks you can't do what they tagged "impossible", the same way they think you can't do it is the same way you should think you can do it, because the foundation of possibility and impossibility are both laid on the fertile soil of thoughts.

I Want to Build a Life, a Company and a Network that Focuses on Doing the Impossible

Imagine what our world would be like if there aren't stubborn people that refuses to settle with impossibility and rather attempted it only to discovered that the impossible is pretty much doable, thereby inventing and innovating the things that made our lives easy and our world a better place.

Imagine if Leonard Kleinrock didn't publish his idea in a paper entitled "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets" that led to Robert Taylor helping create the idea of the network that later became ARPANET. And other great possibility thinkers around the world worked together to birth the internet that became the greatest revolutionary invention of our world.

Imagine if Alexander Graham Bell and other great possibility thinkers and inventors like Innocenzo Manzetti, Charles Bourseul, Johann Philipp Reis, Antonio Meucci didn't rise and contributed ideas and knowledge to the invention of telephone that later evolutionize to everything we have as electronic communication today.

Imagine if Thomas Edison and other great possibility thinkers and great inventors around the world didn't attempted the impossible and succeeded at inventing one of the greatest technology in our world that we know as Light Bulb.

Imagine if Larry Page and Sergey Brin didn't think the possible and went on to give us google that organize the world's information under one roof, making it easily accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Imagine if Satoshi Nakamoto and his gang didn't think ahead of impossibility to invent bitcoin that gave us blockchain that gave us cryptocurrency that gave us steem that gave us steemit that now want to give us SMTs.

Just what if we can gang up against all impossibilities as human and not let that complicated word/thinking stop us from doing the possible (that easy word/thinking) so we can continue to make life easy for the ordinary man thereby making our world a better place.

This is not a guild on how to do the impossible, this a writeup to tell you that you need to do the impossible.

Nothing in this world was possible until the first successful attempt. The internet, television, telephone, bitcoin, cars, google, steemit, weren't not possible until possibility thinkers succeeded at the first attempt.

Because you think something is impossible or possible doesn't mean you are going to fail or succeed at it, both root of failure and success are planted on the field of mentality.

Go out to the world and plant the right seed and i promise you will reap the right fruit.

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