Joining the Steemit's Campaign at the University of Cebu

Have you ever experienced being so down financially that you became so desperate to try new things just to make money even though you have no assurance if it will work out or not?

I did. Growing up with no parents supporting me leads me to this battle. At my early age, I've been exposed to this world's realities wherein I really need to struggle just to survive. Making money isn't that easy.

Well, just last month, I hit my rock bottom. I was so broken financially. I had only a hundred peso in my wallet which is surely not enough for me to survive for the whole month especially that I have my reviews for board examination every Sundays at Cebu Normal University which is way too far from where I am staying. It's 3 rides going there and 3 rides going home. Approximately, I need to spend P60 just for fare. Adding to this, my younger sister told me of their school fees which really I can't afford. I really don't know what to do back then but despite being broken, I did not worry for I have so much faith in the Lord that he will not give me problems I can't bear. And so, I fervently prayed for I know God will provide.

Philippians 4:19     My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.

Just right in time, a friend of mine contacted me thru Facebook asking me to draw her portrait in exchange of an amount. I was hesitant at first, I'm really not that good in drawing and it was my first time to be paid, but because I also needed the money, I accepted the offer. I was nervous upon giving her the drawing but I was so glad she liked it and so I was paid. :) God really answers our prayers if we just believe that He will.

Mark 11:24    Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours.

Yes, I wasn't that broken anymore but I knew the battle won't stop there. I need to prepare for the future. And so, I tried looking for jobs while waiting for the DepEd to call us for deployment. I tried searching for online jobs until my sister told me about her friends, Joseph Fugata and Jassenn Laurente, doing Steemit. I had no idea what Steemit is all about and so I asked her to ask her friends for more details and so she did. She told me that they're going to have a sort of orientation about Steemit in their university and because she was so busy, I contacted Fugata thru Facebook for more details about the orientation. I'm glad he's so approachable and he gave me the details and I even invited two of my friends to also join the orientation.

The day of orientation came, I and my online friend Judith Alo met for the first time at the Tamiya terminal. Haha! So we went together to meet my friend Nina Jean who is already waiting for us at the bakeshop near the university.

As we were about to enter the university, we were stopped by the guard for they weren't informed about the said activity and they weren't told that the activity is open also for non students of the university. Blessed we were, I saw Mr.  Cads, the head of the Engineering Faculty, and I told him about the issue. I was glad he was able to recognize me as the sister of her working scholar and so he entertained us. There was a miscommunication between us and Fugata. He thought we were also students of the said university. Haha! Ending the story, we got to enter inside the university.

The Steemit family had us a very warm welcome which made us very comfortable during the entire activity. Jassen had his talk about what Steemit is all about and Roger had his talk about the technicals on Steemit and how to earn money on Steemit. I really learned a lot from them. I was really glad that all the questions I had in my mind was answered plus I wasn't expecting that they will be giving some freebies, Steemit pins and shirts, and snacks. Not only my mind was fed but also my stomach. Haha!

Thank you so much for welcoming us, Steemit Cebu!
@josephfugata @jassennessaj, thank you!

From left to right: (Judith Alo, My Sister April Mae, Me :), and Nina Jean @tsukikei)

I'll be posting my #introduceyourself hahaha! Sorry, late. :D

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