Everything is Printed and Ready for the Second Steemit University Campaign!

Life's more persistent and and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'

Hi Steemit.

Everything seems to be perfectly tuned this Friday as the second Steemit University campaign is underaway. Many are expected to come following a successful campaign last Saturday. If you wish to check Click here.


Steemit Pins, Steemit Shirts, Steemit flyers, Steemit Plackards are all set. The only thing to consider is the actual event, but I prepared on my presentation. This time, our orientation with @themanualbot will be via powerpoint presentation.


Right now, the University Campaign grows even larger! From initially ten shirts, we now produced 50 shirts. Black was the theme before, we are making it white now.

The Venue


The venue of the said campaign is in ECE Laboratory (Electronics), University of Cebu - LM, Mandaue City, Philippines. This will happen on Friday, August 11, 2017 @ exactly 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.


These shirts will be given to potential members who successfully joined the platform. All of the materials will be given for FREE. The orientation includes :

  1. Free internet connection via 2 Pocket Wifi's - This is for them to register and visit the website of Steemit and be guided with our Orientation.

  2. They need to login to the Attendance Sheet - The participants are required to fill out their names, contact numbers, email address, and their proposed Steemit names. This is for us to have a contact with them and be able to send updates in Steemit.

  3. Individual and Group verification photo.

I recently posted the full event details. If you wish to be redirected, Click Here.


Steemit Plackards and Steemit Flyers will still be distributed among the members.

Part of it is we will be distributing a budget-meal snack to each participants.

Aside from the University Campaign, OUTSIDE CAMPUS STEEMIT CAMPAIGN is set to happen this Sunday. A lot of participants and individuals who are good in writing are expected to join. This week will be busy yet Fun!

Whats good about this thing is that we're having fun in this campaign. We are happy to introduce Steemit, sharing this one of a kind opportunity to our fellow countrymen.

We've seen our future here in Steemit. A vision that everyone here is clear. I do hope this campaign will be successful. With your support, this will happen.

Next target will be 200 university shirts and many more materials to help them stop in steemit!

Thank you for sparing your time, we love you Steemit friends!



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