Day 4 - Universe is 'randomness out of control.'

Yesterday smoked a joint after a gap for about 3-4 months. Gave me a couple of ideas when I started tripping.

I'm going to make a stand-up comedy script on 'fart.'

And I tripped on 'Randomness.' I felt like I found the 'ultimate law of physics' which Einstein was unable to find towards his final years. It's simple guys. Everything in the universe is random. Randomness is generated by multiple events crossing each other paths randomly. So as more and more events cross each other, the complexity increases. This complexity becomes so large that the initial stages are forgotten. We, therefore, get stuck kind of like in an inception. It is a matrix within a matrix. I feel we live in that double matrix or probably much deeper. There is a reasoning for every action, movement, what you say, do, and think. Nothing is random but due to the complexity of randomness, it has become random.

I hope you guys got the gist of what I was trying to say. I know, it's a little too deep to comprehend. Maybe, pictures speak better than words so I will get to draw what I had in mind.

Back to reality, yesterday, went to german class early in the morning. Ended up sitting in the wrong class first (B2.1) and then switched to my actual class (B1). That was a tamasha scene. My class is taught by Vinita. Then headed to office and spoke to Vivi on the way. Long day in the office. Ended up watching some TT games and ended the day with a joint.

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