Alignment with Natural Law: Universal Truth and Harmony

"We have entered the phase in the planetary Ascension Cycle that each individual must bring all of their existing inner worlds into Alignment with the Natural Laws, or they will be faced with the increasing negative consequences of their actions in the outer worlds, as a result of their misalignment. At its most basic level Alignment to the Natural Laws is essentially understood as this; when we live in truth and harmony with ourselves and others, we are living in truth and harmony within the Universal Natural Laws and this drastically increases the quality of life for everyone. Whether we have knowledge of these natural laws or we are ignorant of them, they impact us all equally, as in the ending time cycle, we each will remain accountable to our choices and actions taken throughout our lifestreams. All individuals are responsible for their choice of Alignment in thoughts, actions and behaviors, whether they believe that as a fact or not. Thus, our spiritual ascension and future course in life will be set based upon the Alignment we have chosen, and much of our great inner work is to seek the truth in how we can best align with our inner spirit, which organically aligns with the natural laws, in order to actualize our spiritual mission and optimize our spiritual embodiment on the planet..."

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