LIVE | 24Hr Online Vigil | #Unity4J (Update - Live Stream Has Ended)

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Happening now, independent journalists and fellow Steemians @suzi3d and @elizbethleavos are hosting a 24hr online vigil for Julian Assange who is still being arbitrarily detained at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

The vigil is part of a series of upcoming events to take place on the first weekend of every month.

24 Hr Live Stream Event - Watch Now

Journalists, whistleblowers, and activists from across the political spectrum are united in calling for the reinstatement of Julian Assange's human rights.

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6 Years of Arbitrary Detention

In two weeks time, Julian Assange will have been confined to the Ecuadorian embassy for 6 years. Assange first sought refuge in the embassy on June 19th, 2012 and was granted political asylum in August of the same year..

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In February 2016, a special UN panel concluded that Julian Assange was being arbitrarily detained in the Ecuadorian embassy and should be released immediately with compensation.

Despite the panel's findings, the UK government will not guarantee safe passage if Assange steps foot outside the embassy.

Being confined to the embassy is having serious detrimental effects on Assange's mind, body and soul.

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After being cut off from access to the internet 2 months ago, a groundswell of support for the Wikileaks editor-in-chief is spreading online.

Not only has Assange been denied access to the internet but he's also been barred form having visitors at the embassy and any form of communication with the outside world beyond consulting with his legal team.

Ecuador's president, Lenin Moreno, recently stated that Assange is free to stay in the Ecuadorian embassy as long as he doesn't engage in journalism. Stating that:

Let’s not forget the conditions of his asylum prevent him from speaking about politics or intervening in the politics of other countries. That’s why we cut his communication.

The Guardian

Furthermore, Moreno has been quoted as saying that Ecuador is considering revoking Assange's political asylum.

Mention of any conditions to Julian Assanges asylum have never been mentioned prior to Moreno's election in 2017.

As reported by @caitlinjohnstone, this leaves Assange with three choices all of which result in silencing his voice.

Remain in isolation indefinitely and suffer the gradual decline of body and mind which necessarily comes with it.

Come out of isolation on the condition that he cease voicing his political opinions or doing anything which could be perceived as interfering in the affairs of another nation, which would be to cease practicing journalism, and, in a sense, cease being Julian Assange.

Be forced out of the embassy.

Stand in Solidarity with Julian Assange

Stand Against Arbitrary Detention

Stand In Opposition to the Targeting of Journalists



Supporting Independent Journalism

All SBD rewards from this post will go to @suzi3d who is currently unable to connect to Steemit due to the fallout surrounding the banning of Telegram in Russia.

Pay-pal has also cut off Suzie's funding

Suzie Dawson on Twitter   Bitcoin angels  PayPal has frozen my donations account and bitcoin is now the only way I can survive. Please help keep an exiled  asylum seeking journalist in one piece  1JehB3FTrGkjc4AzJGNHsnb.png

Bitcoin Donations for @suzi3d can be made to the following address:

BTC: 1JehB3FTrGkjc4AzJGNHsnbYdE75hRVmnU



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