Recurring ‘Unity4J’ Online Solidarity Vigil Set To Kick Off This Weekend

When Assange entered the third consecutive month of solitary confinement, a series of ongoing online exercises inspired by the #ReconnectJulian viral event will be held on June 2nd, under the banner "Unity4J." Supporters Julian Assange and Wikileaks will be united again, to demand that communication and freedom Wikileaks Editor-In-Chief Julian Assange restored. Event #Unity4J will take place every month, on the first weekend of every month.

This weekend's event will be broadcast live from the following links:

More information about Unity4J vigils can be found at Readers can also donate directly to Julian Assange's defense fund, as well as to Wikileaks and the Courage foundation.

Disobedient Media previously reported on its first online vigil held for Julian Assange after its communications were interrupted by the Ecuadorian government on March 28. This writer participates for a full duration of ten hours of vigil and is honored to participate with brave reporters, activists, comedians and journalists who raised their votes together to support Assange. Since then, many letters and petitions have been signed, calling for the isolation of Assange to end. A short compilation of ReconnectJulian prayer can be seen below:

This author describes Assange's current difficulties either as solitary confinement or torture, noting that he has been documented to have suffered the bad consequences associated with isolation prior to cutting communications. Disobedient Media also specifies that at least fifteen days in severe isolation is considered torture under Nelson MandelaPBB regulations. However, at this time, Editor-In-Chief Wikileaks has more than quadruple that limit.

The Intercept recently reported that former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa also rated current restrictions on Julian Assange's contact with the outside world as torture. The Intercept relayed Correa's sentiments: "Rejection of the visitor is, Correa said," a clear vodification of his rights. After we grant asylum to someone, we are responsible for his safety, to ensure a humane living condition. "But" without communication to the outside world and visits from anyone, the government basically attacked Julian's mental health. "

Correa joined in his assessment of the situation by former Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Guillaume Long, who reportedly said: "I do not think the size is proportional. I think Ecuador might think this has been done before, let's do it again. And I do not think it has been done in a responsible way ... We see now public access to Julian is being restricted. I understand it is open. No date set for reconnection. "

Ron Paul Institute also spoke against Ecuador's treatment of Editor-In-Chief Wikileaks, writes: "Julian Assange looks very close to being thrown out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London. If that happens, the consequences for journalism, for free speech, and for press freedom, will reverberate around the world for a very long time. It is not wise for anyone who appreciates the truth and freedom to underestimate the impact of this. "

The World Socialist Site and the Courage Foundation have warned that Assange may be in danger of losing asylum, a worry Ecuadorian Lenin Moreno, who says the asylum will continue, "with conditions," as reported by Telsur. Despite Moreno's remarks, Disobedient Media has noted that after Assange's communication was cut off, Ecuador signed a military agreement with the United States. Telesur describes the agreement, writing that it is expected to result in a US military presence in Ecuador.

With all this in mind, the upcoming watch is a very important occasion for the voices against Assange's persistent isolation to be resurrected and heard. The Unity4J press release directs media inquiries for Suzie Dawson, via a personal message on Twitter: @Suzi3D or this author on Twitter via @Elizabethleavos or by emailing info

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