A "new" US move against North Korea

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States wants the council to impose an oil embargo on North Korea, ban its textile exports, ban the use of its foreign workers, impose a freeze on assets and a travel ban on leader Kim Yong-un, a draft UN Security Council resolution showed on Wednesday.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nicky Healy has said she wants the council to vote on the draft resolution on Monday, but Russia's ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nibenzia, said this may be a bit premature,

It is not clear whether the draft resolution enjoys the support of North Korea's ally China.

Any decision by the council requires 9 votes to be approved without the use of veto power by any of the five permanent members - the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China.

On the other hand, US President Donald Trump said that the military action against North Korea is not the first option, noting that he held strong and frank talks with his Chinese counterpart, Shi Jinping on the issue.

"President Shi wants to do something, we will see whether he can do it, but we will not tolerate what happens in North Korea ... I think President Shi agrees with me 100 percent ... We made a phone call," he told reporters at the White House. Very frank and strong. "

On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the crisis on the Korean Peninsula can not be resolved through the imposition of further sanctions. Putin's remarks coincide with the United States and Britain's call for China to play a bigger role in resolving the crisis.

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