I take this opportunity to pay special tribute to you Dad (Late Shri Shyamsunder Soohinda) and make this declaration day(of achieving my Ph.D and hence a Dr.) a permanent and memorable one. My education was always your priority and you definitely were a major influence in this journey of doctoral study. You would have been the proudest father had you lived to this moment. I miss you so incredibly much and can still hear your loud laughter. Even though you are no longer with me, I can see a smile on your face and I know that you are watching over and showering your blessings to grace this moment.
I dedicate this achievement of being a Dr. in Pharmaceutical sciences from SPPU (University of Pune) to you as it is your dream come true.
I will be forever indebted to you for all the love, encouragement, courage and strength you have given me always to march ahead in life and do What I Liked. I specially miss our past ooty days! Those moments occupy a special place in my heart.
I always wanted to be UR “Pride” along with being UR “Pari”
Papa you will always remain a beacon of light and always be with me in this journey of life.
Every time I think of you, my heart still fills with pride
I so wish that every girl be supported by a loving father like you.
Though I’’ll always miss you, I am rest assured that you are always with me
In laughter and in sorrow, in sunshine and through rain,
I know you are watching over me, until we meet again ….
Until then, I promise to wipe my tears and smile away like you did in tough situations
Hoping to see you someday in heaven.
The vacuum that your loss has left behind can never be filled or replaced but your spirit shall remain with me forever. It is because of you that I am blessed with an angel who shared my journey of life and tough times of Ph.D. to make it to this day…my supportive and loving husband Mr Pawan Asnani.
A special mention for my guiding light, Dr .B.Suresh Sir (PCI President and vice chancellor JSS VIdyapeetha) for his never ending, and unconditional love and support.
A final word for my knowledge Figures Dr. C. Kokare, Dr. S. D. Sawant and Dr. M. B. Patil for their guidance that helped me in navigating to my destination.
A big THANK YOU to my family and friends for being part of my PhD journey…and making this dream come true..!!! Special thanks to people who refused to help me as it helped me believing in me more and being independent!
I would like to conclude by expressing gratitude and thanks to my Dear Gurujhi , my almighty for your blessings, abundance, love and care.



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