Unique Destination in Jogja Hidden Will Make Your Vacation Exciting

Mojo Hill has recently become famous in social media. This tourist spot illustrates how creative the people around him are making ordinary venues extraordinary with an artistic touch. Mangunan area in Bantul regency, Yogyakarta does have some unique and interesting tourist attraction. So from now on in Mangunan become a place frequented by tourists who want to see the beauty of the hill top there as well as get photos of beautiful places. Before Mojo Hill is famous there is a place that inspires this Mojo Hill which is still in the village of Mangunan, where it is Tembelan Gorge where there is the first observation post made in the form of a ship on a hill and also a giant butterfly. Because the place becomes viral because it presents a good place to photograph this concept is similar to the Mojo Hill which then also presents a unique photo spot.



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