We heal nations by healing ourselves first - Introducing TIPI

It may sound backwards and perhaps even counter-intuitive, but we cannot solve the problems of the world or a country or even a community by focusing on them, demanding government make changes or engage in the use of force and violence.  While that seems like an extraordinary claim, the reasons are fairly simple.

When we focus on the institutions that exist today we must realize that they are fictional constructs.  They are nothing but masks that people put on in order to play a role.  Changing these constructs has little to no effect on the thoughts, ideas, morality, ethics or behaviours of the individuals hiding behind the masks.  Changing masks or painting the masks has no impact on the health of the individual.  

We cannot legislate morality and ethics.  So what are we to do?  

Heal thyself and be the change and lead by example!

While this seems to be a rather scary and daunting idea, it is the only way we can solve our problems.  The moment we realize that we cannot change anybody else, we are confronted with having to peer deeply into the mirror and ask some really tough questions about ourselves.  While we focus on external constructs and other people, we have a tendency to blame, but the mirror reflects that blame back.  

When we get real and do the self work, that is when we are in a position to influence others around us.  Our first priority is to reconcile our relationships with our closest family and friends.  To do this may also require that they do their work as well.  Through my own personal experience I can testify that when I did my work, they did some too.  The energy and influence of this is astounding as it seems that when I healed, they did some healing at the same time.  This is helpful as it provides opportunities to repair the bridges that were burnt down in the past so that we can engage in meaningful dialogue.  There may be some bridges that are beyond repair, so some mourning has to take place as well ... for now.

When we have our family relationships in order, we are then strong enough to move to the next level.  Family support and good health is critical to ensure that any work being done on the clan level can also bear fruit.  Again, this also requires that the other clan members have done their work too.  But for some reason that seems to happen too as I've also seen family healing spread out to other families too.  When I was ready for clan healing, so too were some of the other clan members.  

As the clans start to heal we are now starting to explore tribe healing.  I've just witnessed and participated in a process that is very powerful for healing the individuals, clans and tribes.  I know it is possible because I've seen it.  I've since been introduced to other tribes and I sense that the tribes will soon start talking about protocols for joining together to make nations.  

For years I struggled with what the clan, tribe and nations would look like.  It is only until recently that I realized that it is impossible for me to see these structures as each one will be unique to fit the needs, beliefs, customs and ceremonies of those that make up those structures.  They are healthy because they are made up of healthy people!  They don't require coercion, violence or force because they were build through voluntarily participating in the process to join together for the benefit and protection of all.  Nobody gets left behind because everyone has a role and purpose within those relationships.  Revolutions are not necessary as the organizational structures are dynamic, always changing, always morphing.  They shift with the changing circumstances we face and the needs of the individuals who make up these groups.  

The old guard that exists today took hundreds of years to build.  It is slow, bulky, expensive, violent, coercive and soul sucking.  It takes years for changes to happen and even then, those changes are controlled by a powerful elite.  It is designed to suck the energy from the people and as such the people are trillions of dollars in debt, struggle to survive, are sick, fall through the cracks and even some are murdered or go missing.  It was designed from the top down in order to extort the energy and creativity of the feudal subjects.  

The new paradigm is created from the bottom up where each individual is tasked with the responsibility to self govern, be self sufficient and healthy.  Only healthy individuals can then ensure that the social structures that we create don't depend on violence or force but instead depends on cooperation, negotiation, prosperity, healing, empathy and love.  We honour other peoples differences as it is those differences that bring beauty and diversity to our world.  While it is possible to do everything myself, I don't want to.  I want to engage with others, to help them and they help me.  I want to have lots of spare time to be in service to others and that is not possible if I'm running on the hamster wheel to power the machine.  

Spring run off in Tawatinaw Valley near Perryvale Alberta

Tawatinaw Initiative for Peace and Independence (TIPI)

Gandhi was right when he suggested that if we want to change the world we need to be the change.  It is a simple idea, but requires a lot of hard, soul searching work.  TIPI is an idea to help facilitate individual healing, decolonization, non-violent communication, build real community and engage in reconciling all our relationships, no matter what label we use to separate us from others!  The TIPI stewards have made a commitment to do the work to put all the pieces together to build a road map for people to follow and duplicate in their own little corner of Mother Earth.

TIPI is stewarded by four individuals who are dedicated to doing this level of work.  The stewards just had a meeting two days ago and made a commitment to one another that we would work together to make this happen.  Introductions are now in order.

TIPI Stewards

Sweetgrass Sitting Bear (Ben Badger) is a spiritual being in command of a vessel of nehiywin (Cree) ancestry from Kehewin Reserve near St. Paul Alberta.  He sits as a counselor for the Kehewin band, very active in youth initiatives, cares deeply for his people and works hard to bring healing, ceremony and language back to their culture.  He is a dear friend and spiritual brother with whom I love deeply and have great respect for him and his spirit.

Natalie Pepin (@harvardhomestead) is a spiritual being in command of a vessel of Metis ancestry, Harvard graduate and lives directly across from me on the other side of the Tawatinaw valley.  She just finished moving off grid and is busy getting her domain setup in preparation for her first winter.  She is building a hempcrete tiny home, growing her own food and is fully dedicated to reconnecting with Mother Earth and Creator.  I have a deep respect for her and what she is doing, as it is so rare to witness somebody take these steps with courage and faith.  She lives life all in! 

Muriel Biggs (@angelfire808) is a spiritual being in command of a vessel of European ancestry and lives on a farm near Westlock Alberta.  She started raising her own chickens, turkeys, sheep and donkeys with her mother and youngest son as she committed to living as a multi-generational family once again.  She has been a part of our clan for 10 years and we have become best friends.  Her life experience, research, knowledge of current systems, deep intelligence, wisdom, spirituality and love for life brings a lot to the table to participate as a TIPI Steward.

White Walking Feather (@wwf) is a spiritual being in command of a vessel of European ancestry and lives direct west from @harvardhomestead on the west bank of the Tawatinaw valley.  His vessel is 11th generation here on Turtle Island.  He has dedicated the last 17 years of his life to personal healing, self-governance, self-sufficiency, peace, freedom and prosperity.  Leading by example has been a cornerstone of his work and spirit moved him to start TIPI for the benefit of others.  

There are more TIPI announcements to come!  

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