War poisons men's souls

We always have a choice.  ALWAYS!  The problem with the choices that we face, is that we don't like the consequences of most of them.  As a result, we oppose those consequences so vehemently that we absolutely refuse to contemplate them.  As a result, we are left with no other option but the lesser of two evils.  Then we wonder why the world is at war as evil seems to be the only choice we choose.

Vasily Vereshchagin [Public domain]

I've been approached to teach a workshop on sovereignty, how to sue police and establishing private bank accounts.  Sounds like they are willing to throw a lot of money my way as well.  I had another fellow ask if I would teach him and he was willing to throw money at me too.  

So I'm confronted with a choice;  continue my efforts to improve upon the moral and ethical values that I've worked so hard to establish over the last 20 years or corrupt myself in exchange for money.  Hmmmmm, let me reflect on this choice.  We have no money and we struggle to pay the few bills we do have.  If I choose the money, that would help us out for a few months. But at what cost?  To be clear, the answer was already 'no' long before I even wrote this post, but I went through that scenario just to prove a point!  I'm not for sale so that somebody can learn the art of war.  

Why is it that people think they can buy me?  My decision to practice the Pacem Arts is just as absolute as when I practiced the Martial Arts.  When I make up my mind, I go 'all in'.  I jump with both feet and figure shit out along the way.  Yes, the consequences of making this choice has been challenging.  I cannot do what most people do.  I don't travel much at all, enjoy entertainment, acquire things, go out to eat, party it up, etc.  By most other peoples standards my life is boring, bordering on poverty.  Yes, my neighbours have actually said that! 

My life is dedicated to experiencing Mother Earth, peace, freedom and prosperity while I diligently practice the fine yet subtle Pacem Arts.  How many people are willing to compromise what is right in order to obtain their wants, desires or even needs?  I commented on a thread a few days ago regarding people who surrendered to the state so that they can get married to the love of their life, who also happens to not have citizenship.  I know the sacrifice they made, but at what price?

Do we sell our soul to the devil when we surrender to the will of the state?  I believe we do and I'm not convinced that my soul is immune to such decisions.  

 “Protect your spirit, because you are in the place where spirits get eaten.”  - John Trudell
 “War don't ennoble men, it turns 'em into dogs. It poisons the soul.”  - James Jones - The Thin Red Line

What I find most disturbing though is that people frequently claim that they have no choice.  It does not matter if they are police officers, judges, politicians, bureaucrats, moms, pops, or someone on the street.  When we participate with the state and it's corporate masters, we are engaged in war and it really does poison our spirit!  But tyranny marches on and those that participate claim they were just doing their jobs.  Well it also armed with the claim that we have no choice.

Nearly everything unfolding on this planet is a part of the war machine.  The world is at war and has been for thousands of years.  We are so caught up in it and desensitized from our participation that we don't even see the violence of our own actions.  The vast majority of people are at war even though they don't carry a gun in their hand.  

I refused to teach the class because teaching people how to sue police is a violent act within the war machine.  That very idea is repugnant and violates the Pacem Arts.  He did not want me to teach him the Pacem Arts, he wanted to learn how to engage in the Martial Arts.  I refuse to do that!

The toughest part of the Pacem Arts is self governance.  Having the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual discipline to self regulate, self control and even to self restrict, requires a lot of training, education, experience, patience, healing, love and faith.  This is not something that can be covered in a weekend.  This is a foundational shift in how we approach life and the consequences is excruciatingly wrote with challenges.  

People taking action claiming they have no choice, are on the path to the dark side.  Those that are serious about the Pacem Arts would go through my blog and do what ever they can to prepare themselves for such training.  Very few are prepared to do that level of work and make that kind of commitment ... yet another choice!

Our modern society is one founded on war and it literally does poison men's souls.  People are so blindly engaged in the war machine that they are nearly sick beyond redemption.  Watching how the state is used to silence decent, push through projects for the interests of their corporate masters and leave people sleeping on the street is beyond repugnant.  Yet we all watch it happen and continue to hold our military post while we whine and complain to our commanding officers.

If people want world peace, then it starts within.  Heal thyself so that one's spirit can rise up and express the peace and love within.  When that occurs then it is easier to see the violence in our actions, choices and behaviours.  That gives us a chance to redeem ourselves and choose peace instead.  At that point we are then confronted with the realization that the vast majority of activities we engage in are violent acts within the war.  

Resigning our commission within the military industrial complex requires that we let go of our current ways of living and find a very different way.  Many sacrifices are required and a lot of the decisions are going to be brutally tough to make.  The vast majority of people are unwilling to make those sacrifices, so they continue to justify their participation in the war.  

But a small few are willing and those are the ones that will change this world.  Those are the ones that I would be more than happy to spend time with as we learn and grow from the contributions we all bring to the peaceful relationship.  If people want to learn from me, then approach me from a foundation of peace, honour, respect and humbleness.  

I don't have the energy to remove your armour or the desire to fight with you.  I'm not well and I don't know how much time I have left on Mother Earth.  Time may be short or we may have years left.  But if you are not willing to rise above the violence and approach me with peace, then I'll go else where and find people who are willing to learn and surrender to the principles of Spirit.  

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