Real freedom demands that we take our Spirituality seriously

The relationship between the physical realm and Spirit is like looking at a mirror and exploring ourselves by only touching the surface of the glass.  Are we the reflection in the glass (physical vessel) or are we the ones standing in front of the mirror (Spiritual being)?  

If we continue to focus on the reflection, then we miss out on the vast beauty, depth and richness of this journey and experience.  We miss out on all the messages, signs and guidance that Creator provides for us along this journey.   The mirror is there so that we can see ourselves, explore who we are, heal, experience, grow and prosper.

I've been walking this path since 2005.  I must admit that through all the studying, research, trials and tribulations that I've done over the past 20 years in an effort to free myself, the corner stone of my freedom rests with the healing journey I started in 2001.  

I've seen lots of people work hard on their freedom by focusing on intellectual study.  For over a decade I focused on teaching the intellectual stuff, but a few years ago I realized all that would fail until people are healed first.  We all miss the boat if we don't ensure that our hearts are open, healed, peaceful and loving.  No matter how many seeds I plant, few 'see' or 'hear' what I speak about.  Most people want to fight and that is not freedom or the Spiritual way.  

When we take Spirit seriously, a whole new world opens up.  We literally are capable of manipulating the physical realm as it is merely a reflection of spirit.  Is it any wonder that religion and governments work so hard to keep people from true spirituality?  When we embrace spirit, we end up being the stewards and take command of our lives.  We can perform what looks like miracles to others as they fail to comprehend how these miracles manifested.

Imagine being able to ask the weather to give you what you need, or to attract prosperity, joy, peace and freedom into our lives.  Imagine being able to do that with little effort.  

The physical realm is here to help us practice our creative skills and abilities.  But it must be done out of patience, peace and love, rather than hatred, violence or coercion.  Freedom is not found by studying statutes and regulations, freedom is found by healing our hearts, opening up and welcoming the truth:  we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.  

There is no form to sign to make one free.  Instead, the journey is to heal ourselves so that we can open up to the full power and authority of spirit in our lives.  When we do that, then miracles happen.  I've lost count at how many people studied my work and then used that knowledge to fight.  It saddens me greatly but I also must acknowledge that they are on their journey and that I've planted millions of seeds along mine.

If you really want to be free, then get to work.  Open your heart, get brutally honest with yourself and start the healing journey.  Of all the tools that I've used for my own freedom and sovereignty, this covers 90% of what I needed to start on my journey towards freedom.  Exploring my spiritual body through the physical is an amazing journey and experience.  

No excuses.  No violence.  Only Spirituality!  

That does not mean that we ignore the physical vessel, as that reflection in the mirror is our bio feedback loop to show us how we are doing.  We need to be consciously aware of that image, but recognize what it is.  Our true body is spiritual in nature, as is everything in this realm.  If something pisses us off, look in the mirror.  If we get triggered by somebody, look in the mirror.  Lashing out at others serves nobody.  Is our body sick, look in the mirror.

Lashing out at the mirror only ends up breaking the mirror.  

However, we can serve others by walking our path and sharing it with others.  If you are indeed interested in taking a spiritual approach to healing and being a witness to miracles unfolding in your life, then I invite you to a Men's retreat being held here on March 1-3, 2019.  The women are holding their retreat at the exact same time in Edmonton.  So if you want to work on your own freedom, this is a wonderful opportunity to help you start on that journey.  

Intellectual studies helps, but emotional healing using spirit is by far the biggest leap one can take towards freedom.  It allows us to see the signs everywhere.  Can you see, hear or even feel them?  If not, then embrace this opportunity.  Consider this post as a sign in your life!  :)

I love you all.

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